Error Messages

The following error message information is provided to assist you with error messages noted through the years. Please call CaseMap Technical Support if you aren't comfortable trying any of these "fixes" or if you need assistance resolving any issues.


hmtoggle_plus1AS-3 Error: EOLE Exception: the specified module could not be found.

Self register DLL's using the CMdebugger tool. Access by clicking the Start button, then choosing Run, and then typing in cm10debug. Once the Debug control panel is loaded, go to Tools then Self-Register all DLLs.

If Self Register does not fix the issue call CaseMap Technical Support.

hmtoggle_plus1AS-3 windows E registry exception and action failed to get data Is Default.

Hold Shift and double-click the CM icon and select Yes to reset Toolbars.

hmtoggle_plus1AS-3 EAccessViolation Access violation at 008cs126 module 'casemap.exe' the read of address 00000000.

This is a memory error. Reboot PC and try opening CaseMap again. If it continues, call CaseMap Technical Support.

hmtoggle_plus1Error: AS-3 error code.  Window: EOLE Exception.  Action:  Not a Valid Bookmark.

The file is corrupt, send to for repair.

hmtoggle_plus1DAX error library not registered or any other export to Word Error Message.

Self register DLL's using the CMdebugger tool. Access by clicking the Start button, then choosing Run, and then typing in cm10debug. Once the Debug control panel is loaded go to Tools then Self-Register all DLLs.

If Self Register does not fix the issue, call CaseMap Technical Support.

hmtoggle_plus1Error 22: bad import error.

Use a tab delimited import file or skip field that is generating error message.

hmtoggle_plus1vbajet32.dll Error message wrong version of file.

Check version of Windows database components using the CMdebugger tool. Access by clicking the Start button, then choosing Run, and then typing in cm10debug. Once the Debug control pane is loaded, up look at the MSJet and MDAC tabs. Verify that you have correct versions. If not, you can use the Tools menu to be directed to Microsoft download links in order to update.

If this doesn’t resolve the issue, call CaseMap Technical Support.

hmtoggle_plus1OC-2 Error Code: 3075  Error Message: Unknown.

Self register DLL's using the CMdebugger tool. Access by clicking the Start button then choosing Run then typing in cm10debug. Once the Debug control pane is loaded go to Tools then Self-Register all DLLs.

If Self Register does not fix the issue, call CaseMap Technical Support.

hmtoggle_plus1OC-2 Error Code: 3029 Error Message: Not valid account name or password.

Check version of Windows database components using the CMdebugger tool. Access by clicking the Start button, then choosing Run, and then typing in cm10debug. Once the Debug control pane is loaded, up look at the MSJet and MDAC tabs. Verify that you have correct versions. If not, you can use the Tools menu to be directed to Microsoft download links in order to update.

If this doesn’t resolve the issue, call CaseMap Technical Support.

hmtoggle_plus1OC-2 Error Code: 3078 MSJET DB engine cannot find the input table or query ' litorcase ' make sure it exists and is spelled correctly.

Close the case and reboot. If that doesn’t work, use the Case Optimizer from the Tools menu in CaseMap. If that still doesn’t resolve, send it to for repair.

hmtoggle_plus1Error: OC-2; EOLE exception error code 0; provider cannot be found, may not be properly installed.

Self register DLL's using the CMdebugger tool. Access by clicking the Start button, then choosing Run, and then typing in cm10debug. Once the Debug control panel is loaded, go to Tools and Self-Register all DLLs.

If Self Register does not fix the issue, call CaseMap Technical Support.

hmtoggle_plus1OC-2 Error Code 3343.

The file is corrupt, send to for repair.

hmtoggle_plus1Error Running Bulk Importer.

Self register DLL's using the CMdebugger tool. Access by clicking the Start button, then choosing Run, and then typing in cm10debug. Once the Debug control panel is loaded, go to Tools and Self-Register all DLLs.

If Self Register does not fix the issue, call CaseMap Technical Support.

hmtoggle_plus1Error: when using send to CM plugin, linked file in 'Facts' is not viewable, says cannot locate file.

Most likely you have two versions of Adobe® Acrobat on your system. Uninstall the older version, then change the file viewers in CaseMap to Acrobat.

hmtoggle_plus1Error: NC-2 Error Class EAccess violation Error Code: 3811.

This is a memory error. Reboot PC and try again.

hmtoggle_plus1Error: Exception EInOutError in module Casemap.exe at 0000C551.  Unable to create directory.

If you are running XP or Win 2000 SP 2, check My Documents Folder and make sure is mapped to C:\ . CaseMap writes data to the My Documents folder. Please call CaseMap Technical Support if you have a system set up that does not allow you to have a My Documents folder.

hmtoggle_plus1Error: "Spooler subsystem app has encountered a problem and needs to close" and "Operation could not be completed" error messages.

Fix: visit;en-us;324757

hmtoggle_plus1Error: when trying to open a program, a box opens up looking for a .msi file that mentions summation.

This is actually a Summation error. You can fix it with a registry edit. However, please consult with an IT Professional before editing your registry.

1.Close all programs, including anything in the background.
2.Open the registry editor.
3.Delete the key: HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\CLSID\{0E59F1D5-1FBE-11D0-8FF2-00A0D10038BC}\InprocServer32
4.In the Run box, enter: regsvr32 system32\msscript.ocx.
5.Click OK.
hmtoggle_plus1DV-03 Error when trying to view linked Opticon files.

Below is a link to a utility that will update the Opticon file viewers in a CaseMap case so they work with Opticon 3. You will need to run the update for each case with links to Opticon. Please note that the links will no longer work with previous versions of Opticon.

To update a case, simply open it and then click the Update CaseMap Case button on the utility. It will tell you which viewers it is going to update.

Here is the link:

hmtoggle_plus1Procedure entry point GetIUMS could not be located in the dynamic link library MSDart.dll.

Check version of Windows database components using the CMdebugger tool. Access by clicking the Start button, then choosing Run, and then typing in cm10debug. Once the Debug control panel is loaded, up look at the MSJet and MDAC tabs. Verify that you have correct versions. If not, you can use the Tools menu to be directed to Microsoft download links in order to update.

If this doesn’t resolve the issue, call CaseMap Technical Support.

hmtoggle_plus1The following error occurred on the file 'C:\WINNT\system32\csacefc1.rra Access is denied. (Ox5)

This is a conflict with Cisco Security. Disable it during the install. Otherwise, it blocks files that begin with "csa", like our plug-in.

hmtoggle_plus1The following error occurred on the file 'C:\WINNT\system32\csac746.rra Access is denied. (Ox5)

This is a conflict with Cisco Security. Disable it during the install. Otherwise, it blocks files that begin with "csa", like our plug-in.

hmtoggle_plus1Error Running Import Emails From Outlook Feature: EOleSysError: The specified module could not be found, Class ID: {####}.

There is an error in Outlook, try reinstalling Outlook.

hmtoggle_plus1Error when sending to Word from CM when using PaperPort.

Click on the Start Button and choose run. Then type the following into the run line:

1.regsvr32 /u "C:\Program Files\ScanSoft\PaperPort\PPDFAddin.dll"
2.regsvr32 /u "C:\Program Files\ScanSoft\PaperPort\PDFC!\PDF Create! 3\OfficeAddIn\ZnExcelAddIn.dll"
3.regsvr32 /u "C:\Program Files\ScanSoft\PaperPort\PDFC!\PDF Create! 3\OfficeAddIn\ZnPPTAddIn.dll"
4.regsvr32 /u "C:\Program Files\ScanSoft\PaperPort\PDFC!\PDF Create! 3\OfficeAddIn\ZnWordAddIn.dll
hmtoggle_plus1Error with PDF Files saved from the internet.  Error: "Expected a dict object" when trying to STCM from AA.

In Acrobat, fix the file: Print to PDF file. To fix all future PDF files. In Acrobat, go to Edit > Preferences > Internet > Uncheck the box that displays the PDF file in web browser.

hmtoggle_plus1When sending from CM to MS Word: Window: EoleSysError Action: Call was rejected by callee.

Winword.exe can be running in the background even though Word appears closed. Outlook can use Word as its email editor, and sometimes leaves the open, which is why Word rejects CM. Close Outlook and check to see if it works.

hmtoggle_plus1Error Sending to CM from XM: Interface not Supported.

Self register DLL's using the CMdebugger tool. Access by clicking the Start button, then choosing Run, and then typing in cm10debug. Once the Debug control panel is loaded, go to Tools and Self-Register all DLLs.

If Self Register does not fix the issue, call CaseMap Technical Support.

hmtoggle_plus1Send To options not appearing on the menus.

Go to Tools > Options > Accessibility tab and make sure that “Use standard Windows menu for main tool bar” is not checked.

hmtoggle_plus1WORLDOX Error:

The document could not be found in WORLDOX.  There are a few possible reasons why:

You may not have right to view this document.
The document ID may have changed.
The document may have been deleted.

Make sure that WORLDOX GX is running with the current code. To update WORLDOX GX code, the client will need to run WDUPDATE.EXE, which is in the located in the "Worldox" folder on the server where WORLDOX is installed. They also may want to check to see if WORLDOX is set to automatically update.



Need additional help? Email the CaseMap Support team at:, or contact a support representative at 1-800-833-3346 (option 3). The CaseMap Support team is available between the hours of 9:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. Eastern Time, Monday - Friday.

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