Sending facts from PDFs

When reviewing documents in Adobe® Acrobat or Reader and you find information that warrants a record entry on the Facts spreadsheet, you can simply highlight the text and import it into the case using the Send to CaseMap feature. The benefit is that during the import process, you can enter fact details, link to case elements and issues, as well as mark the status of the new fact — importing this data with the selected text. You can then continue to edit the fact, as needed, once the new record has been saved in the Facts spreadsheet.


hmtoggle_plus1To send facts from a PDF file
1.Open the Adobe Acrobat file you are reviewing.
2.In Acrobat, click on the Select Tool button Selection Tool and highlight the text you want to import.
3.Right-click on the highlighted text and click Send Fact to CaseMap.

You can also click the Send Fact to CaseMap button under CaseMap DocPreviewer.

4.In the Send to CaseMap - New Fact box, select Document.


Send to CaseMap > Link this PDF to CaseMap dialog box



If CaseMap does not recognize the document as on object in the case, a Link this PDF to CaseMap dialog box displays instead for you to add this record to the Documents object spreadsheet. Once you complete this step, you see the Create New Fact dialog box.


5.In the Enter a name for the new Document field, type in the full name of the document.
6.In the Enter the assigned short name field, type in a short name for the document, then click OK.
7.In the Send to CaseMap – New Fact box, select Fact Text in the Append Text Selection to field so that the excerpt displays in the Facts spreadsheet.

Notice that the text you selected from the PDF file displays in the Text Selection field and is enclosed in brackets.



Do not delete the brackets from text excerpts imported using the Send to CaseMap utility. Brackets prevent CaseMap's recognition of short names and designate actual document text for the import.


8.In the Would you like to recognize objects within the selected text section, slide the button to the right if you would like to enable Objects recognition. If you keep the option disabled, skip to Step 10.

Once Objects recognition is enabled, new and existing objects appear. These are color coded by the object type. (Person, Organization and Place.)





If there are no objects identified, the following message displays, "No Objects were identified in the selected text."


9.If you want to delete a new or existing object, click the red X to remove.


10.In the Date & Time field, type in the date of the fact.
11.In the Fact Text field, type in a fact summary/short description of the imported text.
12.This text description will display in the Fact Text field in the Facts spreadsheet and appears as a Fact Card in the Fact Cards view.
13.Select the Key check box, if this fact record is important to the case.
14.In the Status field, select whether the fact is disputed or not.
15.Click the Issue Linker bar to link the fact directly to issues, then click OK to initiate the import process.
16.In the message prompt, click Yes to view the new fact record in the Facts spreadsheet.
17.Click in the Fact Text field for this fact record to view the highlighted text you sent from the Word document.
18.Click on the paperclip icon for the fact record to view the linked path to the source file in Word.
19.Scroll to the right and notice that the Source(s) field displays the linked element to the Word document and that the Linked Issue field displays any issues added for this record.
20.Click All Objects in the Case Shortcuts pane to see newly identified objects (Persons, Organizations and Places) added to the Object spreadsheets.


hmtoggle_plus1To update facts from a PDF file

If you need to update a fact record in CaseMap with new or additional text from the PDF source file, simply select the highlighted text and resending it to the case.

1.In the Facts spreadsheet, click on the fact record you want to update.
2.In the Acrobat source file, highlight the text you want to add to the Fact Text field for this record.
3.Click the CaseMap DocPreviewer button and then click Advanced > Send Fact to CaseMap - Update.
4.In the Send to CaseMap - Edit Fact box, review the updated text in the Text Selection field and make any other field updates.
5.When you are finished, click OK to save the updates in the fact record.
6.Return the fact record in the Facts spreadsheet to verify that the updated text was added after any existing text in the Fact Text field.

You may want to review and edit the Fact Text field if there is duplicate information.



You must select the fact record you want to update before sending the new text to CaseMap. Otherwise, the Send to CaseMap wizard opens the Add New CaseMap Object box if the document is not recognized as part of the case. CaseMap then creates a new fact record for the imported text with a link back to the document.



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