About adding users

Case analysis requires a team of staff to help build a case for depositions and trial. Each user may use different aspects of CaseMap to assist in case analysis and management.

CaseMap is simplified to two user types: authors and scribes. User designations are case-specific, so a user can be an author in one case and a scribe in another. Before adding users, we recommend you take some time to determine who the case users are and designate whether they need full access to case data or play a more limited role in assisting case staff.

Having a CaseMap license does not allow users to open cases, they must each be entered as a user in each case. There is no limit on the numbers of users a case can accommodate, however user access should be limited to case staff to preserve the integrity of the case.



Adding users to the case is best done after the case is created and after any custom fields or views are designed. If you add users to a case beforehand, they will each need to re-create any custom fields or spreadsheet views that are prepared for all case users.



For more information on how to create SQL cases and add users to SQL cases, refer to your CaseMap Server documentation.


hmtoggle_plus1Authors vs. Scribes

Review the following information to determine how you may differentiate user access for case staff. If you are intent on tracking use history, we recommend that you make all users authors.

Authors should include any case users who have the authority to develop information being entered in a case or determine whether information is worth entering. Typically, the partners, associates, paralegals, and in-house counsel working on a case receive this designation. When users are added to a case, CaseMap creates a series of spreadsheet views and Evaluation fields based on the author status.

The case creator is automatically entered as a user in the Staff box and is designated as an author. The first user and all other authors receive access to case spreadsheets and evaluation fields, allowing for immediate productivity in a building the case.

Scribes are staff that enters information on behalf of an author, such as a legal secretary or temporary assistant. Scribes also receive access to case spreadsheets, but don't have permission to use evaluation fields. Scribes can perform all other author tasks, such as adding and updating case data, printing reports, and so on. When scribes can open a case, they must select the author on whose behalf they are entering. When users are added as a scribes to the case, CaseMap creates a series of spreadsheet views based on the author status.

hmtoggle_plus1Identifying case user roles and types

Use the following checklist to help you determine user access to cases.

Checklist: Identifying User Roles




Do you have a list of all case staff?


Have you identified the team leader? Who is making decisions about the case and communicating to other team members?


Do you know who is only entering data?


Do you know who may be importing files in the case?


Do you know who is reporting and exporting data?


Have you determined if all team members are Authors, or do some need to be Scribes?

*We recommend all staff be identified as Authors for best user history tracking.


Have you identified users that need to have read-only field access?


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Need additional help? Email the CaseMap Support team at: casemap.support@lexisnexis.com, or contact a support representative at 800.543.6862 (Option 2, then Option 4). The CaseMap Support team is available between the hours of 9:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. Eastern Time, Monday - Friday.

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