Displaying spreadsheet data

The CaseMap SharePoint Web Parts site allows you to display spreadsheet data so that case staff can quickly view case data in a central location without having to manually retrieve data from the case. You can also publish custom spreadsheets too.

You can easily edit the spreadsheet data for how you want it to display. Once you have modified the display settings, you can then publish the data to the CaseMap SharePoint Web Parts page for users to view.


Case Spreadsheet Data


Configuring a spreadsheet includes:

Adjusting the page size
Adjusting page numbering display (Top, Bottom, or Top and Bottom)
Selecting a paging style display (Next Page/Prev Page buttons or number links)

You can specify spreadsheet page size settings of 5, 10, 25, 50, or 100. The default is 10.


hmtoggle_plus1To view spreadsheet field data display considerations

The following list provides spreadsheet field data display considerations when data is published to the CaseMap SharePoint Web Parts site for users to view.

A maximum of 100 documents can be displayed.
Views determine the fields and sort order, and are associated with each user. Any user's spreadsheet view can be selected to display spreadsheets data.
Dates display in YYYY-MM-DD format and include time and date ranges if applicable.
Time stamped fields display in the proper date format (HH:MM:SS).
Time displays in the default time zone, even if a time zone was specified during data entry.
Currency fields display with dollar signs and the proper number of digits beyond the decimal point (2 or 4). If the last two digits are zeros, they will not display.
Fields that contain links to documents or files are not included in the spreadsheet data display on the site page. These fields include Linked Summary fields, Related Files fields, and the Linked Element field on the Questions spreadsheet.
Object and issue names can be displayed in either the Full Name or Short Name format.
Persons names display in the First Name/Last Name format just like in CaseMap.
The Linked Issues field displays the issue short name just like in CaseMap.


hmtoggle_plus1To add case spreadsheets
1.Open the CaseMap SharePoint Web Parts site.
2.Click on the case tab for which you want to add a spreadsheet.
3.Click on the Site Actions button AC_sharepoint_site_actions_button in the upper right corner and then click Edit Page.

The Edit Content page displays with the web part page template for you to edit.

4.Click on the Add a Web Part link in the web part zone where you want the new spreadsheet data to display.

Web Part Zone

5.In the Add Web Parts dialog box, scroll down to the All Web Parts section until you find the Miscellaneous settings.

Add Web Parts > CaseMap Case Spreadsheets

6.Under the Miscellaneous section, select the CaseMap - Case Spreadsheet Data check box.
7.Click the Add button.

The new CaseMap - Case Spreadsheet Data web part displays in the area you designated. You now need to edit the web part so that data displays in it.

8.In the new CaseMap - Case Spreadsheet Data web part, click the Edit button.

Edit > Modify Shared Web Part

9.Click Modify Shared Web Part.

The CaseMap - Case Spreadsheet Data panel now displays to the right.

10.In the Case Spreadsheet Data panel, type in the URL for the CaseMap Server REST web service.

CaseMap Configuration > Case Spreadsheet Data

For example, for Windows authentication: http://[server:port]/CaseMapAD/CMServerAD.svc

For simple authentication: http://[server:port]/CaseMapLA/CMServerLA.svc

11.In the Authentication Type area, click the authentication type you want to use: Windows Authentication or Local User.

If you click Local User, then enter your user name and password.

12.Click the Test Connection button to verify the connection to the web service and the CaseMap Server.

When the connection is established, a CaseMap Case field displays.

13.In the CaseMap Case list, click on the case for which you want to display spreadsheet data.

Case Spreadsheet Settings

14.In the Case Spreadsheet list, click on the spreadsheet for which you want to display data.
15.In the Spreadsheet View list, click on the user to view the user's spreadsheet views.

Views are associated with each user. Any user's spreadsheet view can be selected to display.

16.In the Select a view to determine the fields and sort order list, click on the spreadsheet view you want to display for that user.

The Spreadsheet Paging Options panel now displays.

17.In the Page Size list, click on the number of pages you want to display for navigating spreadsheet data.

Spreadsheet Paging Options

18.In the Position list, click on the display option for navigation controls: Bottom, Top or Top and Bottom.
19.In the Style list, click on the style option for navigation controls: Next/Previous, Next/Previous/First/Last, Numeric, or Numeric/First/Last.
20.In the Object and Issue Name Display list, click on Short Name or Full Name.

This field defaults to Full Name.

21.In the Appearance section, click in the Title field, if you want to edit the spreadsheet title.
22.Click the Ellipses button AC_sharepoint_ellipses_button.

The default name is CaseMap - Case Spreadsheet Data. You can change the title to reflect the spreadsheet data your are displaying, such as Facts spreadsheet or Documents spreadsheet.

22.In the Text Entry dialog box, type in the spreadsheet name you want to display in the web part.
23.Click OK to save your changes.
23.Click the Apply button to view your changes without closing the pane.
24.Click OK to save your changes and close the pane.

The case spreadsheet data you specified now displays in the CaseMap - Case Spreadsheet Data web part.

25.Click the Publish button AC_sharepoint_publish_button to publish this data on the case page so case staff can view it.

To customize spreadsheet data display, see Customizing data display.


related_topics_buttonRelated Topics



Need additional help? Email the CaseMap Support team at: casemap.support@lexisnexis.com, or contact a support representative at 1-800-833-3346 (option 3). The CaseMap Support team is available between the hours of 9:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. Eastern Time, Monday - Friday.

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