GET get-case-views



Retrieves a collection of of views associated with the specified case.

To use this action, send a GET request to the /cases/{caseID}/views/ resource.

In response to a get-case-views request, CaseMap Server returns a <views> element. This collection contains the data type ID, ID, and name of all the views associated with the case. You can optionally limit the response to a particular user or data type, using the optional query parameters.

A view is a set of fields and sorting information for a particular spreadsheet.





GET {ServerNameHere}/CaseMapAD/CMServerAD/cases/{caseID}/views/?userId={userID}&dataTypeId={dataTypeID}




GET {ServerNameHere}/CaseMapLA/CMServerLA/cases/{caseID}/views/?userId={userID}&dataTypeId={dataTypeID}



The request includes the GET, User-Agent, and Host headers, which are standard for all CaseMap Server requests. For more information, see About request headers.



The URL contains the caseID. In addition, the query string contains the following search values:





(optional) ID number of the user to retrieve the spreadsheet views for.

Example: 3



(optional) Type of data to retrieve. This integer value is returned in the ID element by GET get-case_data.

Example: 1




The request does not contain any elements in the body.





The response includes the headers common to all CaseMap Server responses. For more information, see About response headers.







Parent element of the response; contains a collection of view objects.

Type: complex

Children: view



Description of a view the user has.

Type: complex

Parent: views

Children: dataTypeId, id, name



Data type ID. If the dataTypeId URL parameter was used to limit the search, this element will be the same for all views.

Type: int

Parent: view

Example: 3



The ID of the view

Type: int

Parent: view

Example: 59228293



The name of the view.

Type: string

Parent: view

Example: Document - Favorite


Status Codes

Returns 200 on a valid response. Otherwise, returns one of the common status codes. For more information, see GET.




Request Example

The following requests the version information.

GET /CMServerAD/cases/case-6/views/?userId=3 HTTP/1.1

User-Agent: Fiddler

Host: localhost:3952


C# Example

The following example retrieves the case views from the specified CaseMap Server. The sample takes the server URL, case number and userID as a parameter. The sample also uses the DisplayMessage helper method to display the response message. For more information on the helper methods, see CaseMap Server Helper Methods.


public static void getServerCaseViews(string serverResource, string caseID, string userID)



  //define the resource and the endpoint

  string resourceName = "/CaseMapAD/CMServerAD.svc/cases/" + caseID + "/views/?userId=" + userID;

  string endPoint = serverResource + resourceName;


  //create the call and add in the authorization token

  HttpWebRequest request = WebRequest.Create(endPoint) as HttpWebRequest;

   request.Method = "GET";


  //send it off and get the returned list.

  HttpWebResponse response = request.GetResponse() as HttpWebResponse;


  //display the list







Response Example

The following is a response to the request in the previous example.

HTTP/1.1 200 OK

Server: ASP.NET Development Server/

Date: Tue, 09 Aug 2011 22:20:34 GMT

X-AspNet-Version: 2.0.50727

Cache-Control: private

Content-Type: application/xml; charset=utf-8

Content-Length: 2474

Connection: Close


<views xmlns="" xmlns:i="">




   <name>Document - Favorite</name>










   <name>Event - Favorite</name>





   <name>Pleading - Favorite</name>





   <name>Most Fields</name>





   <name>Other Discovery - Favorite</name>





   <name>Organization - Favorite</name>





   <name>Jury Instructions</name>





   <name>Proceeding - Favorite</name>










   <name>Assigned To</name>





   <name>Most Fields</name>





   <name>Demonstrative Evidence Analysis</name>










   <name>Person - Favorite</name>





   <name>Demonstrative Evidence - Favorite</name>





   <name>Date, Fact and Source</name>





   <name>Other Object - Favorite</name>





   <name>Person - Address/Phone</name>





   <name>Place - Favorite</name>





   <name>All Object Types - Favorite</name>










   <name>Other Physical Evidence - Favorite</name>










   <name>Organization - Address/Phone</name>





   <name>Trial Exhibit List</name>





Need additional help? Email the CaseMap Support team at:, or contact a support representative at 1-800-833-3346 (option 3). The CaseMap Support team is available between the hours of 9:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. Eastern Time, Monday - Friday.

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