Importing text into timelines

Use TimeMap's text import utility to import fact box information from other applications. The best way to do this is to import a delimited text file that includes the dates and fact text you want to import into TimeMap to create a timeline.

You can import information from a word-processing file, but these files typically need a lot of clean-up work before they are ready to be imported.

Once the import is complete, your timeline will be populated with fact boxes containing the date and information from the text file.


hmtoggle_plus1To import data from a text file
1.Save a text file from an application.
2.On the File menu, click Import.
3.In the Select File to Import dialog box, click the file to import and then click Open.
4.In the TimeMap Import Wizard, click Next.
5.In the Import Data dialog box, select the delimited you want to use.

Import Data > Choose delimiter

Select the First Row Contains Field Names check box if you have field names in your text file, then click Next.

6.In the Preview the data to import dialog box, verify the data, then click Next.

Import Data > Preview data to import

Click the Next 5 button to page through data in your text file. Click the Top button to return to the beginning of the text file data.

7.In the Select the import field dialog box, click on the field where you want to import the date and time, then click Next.

Import Data > Select Date & Time field

Select the Do not Import a "Date & Time" check box if you want to manually enter each fact date.

8.In the next dialog box, select the field where you want to import fact text, then click Next.

Import Data > Select the Fact Text field

9.In the review dialog box, click Finish.
10.In the message confirming the number of facts imported, click OK.
11.In the Insert Multiple Facts dialog box, modify and review content as needed.

Import Data > Insert Multiple Facts

In this instance, you would need to modify data in the Date & Time field to the proper date format of MM/DD/YYYY.

Click on the Insert or Delete buttons to add or remove fact data.

Click the Sort button to change the sort order.

Click the Grid Font button to select the font type, style, size, and color you want to user.

12.Click OK to continue.

Fact boxes with the date and information from the text file now display in chronological order in your timeline.


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