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Second Circuit Appoints Pro Bono Counsel

November 07, 2006 (1 min read)

"The record before us presents a raft of unanswered questions concerning the BIA's treatment of Barry's asylum application, to wit: (1) why the BIA remanded Hawa's case for reconsideration, but not Barry's; (2) whether Barry is eligible for CAT relief based on the mental torture he may suffer as a result of his daughters being subjected to FGM in Guinea; (3) whether the BIA erred in failing to consider Barry's arguments regarding cancellation of removal; (4) and whether, in light of the fact that the IJ rejected Hawa's application in part because of an assumption that the children could stay with Barry, his potential removal requires reconsideration of claims for relief on the daughters' behalf. These important questions would benefit from a full briefing by competent counsel and consideration by a government attorney. Consequently, it is hereby ORDERED that counsel be appointed to represent petitioner pro bono publico, and to brief any colorable arguments Barry may have. The Clerk shall invite members of the bar of this Court, including legal clinic programs associated with area law schools, to serve in this capacity." Ibrahima v. INS, Oct. 31, 2006.

Ibrahima 2 10-31-06.pdf