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Report compiled on Border Patrol activity in Pac. NW

February 06, 2012 (1 min read)

"Armed with cellphones and cameras, Forks Human Rights Group members say they documented 162 alleged Border Patrol encounters with mostly Latino West End residents from April 2008 through mid-January. The immigration-related encounters, which often involved more than one person, left 106 children without one parent — and 13 children with no parent at all — after the parents were arrested for immigration violations, according to the group's two-part Analysis of Border Patrol Activity In/Around Forks, WA, the second part of which was released in mid-January. [ Read the full two-part report here: ] The children whose parents were arrested were without at least one parent between almost a day to a few weeks, Forks resident and medical interpreter Lesley Hoare, a group organizer, said last week." - Peninsula Daily News, Feb. 4, 2012.