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Obama Not Overstepping on Immigration: Opinion

August 08, 2014 (1 min read)

From the conservative Washington Examiner:

"Conservatives are outraged that President Obama is threatening to use his executive authority to shelter undocumented foreigners from deportation now that immigration reform seems dead this year.  But whether they like it or not, existing immigration laws give the president vast discretion to temporarily legalize an unlimited number of foreigners. ... Margaret Stock, a Republican immigration lawyer and a Federalist Society member, notes that such accusations don’t appreciate that all this is fully authorized by those laws.  'The Immigration and Nationality Act and other laws are chock-full of huge grants of statutory authority to the president,' she explains, a point also emphasized by the nonpartisan Congressional Research Service in its 2013 brief.  'Congress gave the president all these powers, and now they are upset because he wants to use them.  Other presidents have used the same authority in the past without an outcry.' " - Shikha Dalmia, Aug. 7, 2014.
