Nexis® provides rapid access to the most expansive collection of news, legal, public records and regulatory content available anywhere.

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Gain unique insights from over 26,000 premium and web sources, including trusted news, company profiles, public records, industry information and social media content – all in one place.

Comprehensive news database with alerts and analysis tools

  • 26,000+ current and archived sources—from local, national and international newspapers, magazines, trade journals, wire and social media sources
  • Set alerts to keep you informed of recent news about your brand, company, industry and competitors
  • Analysis tools to help you analyze media coverage, political campaign or message tracking, negative news coverage and any other issues important to your business

Unsurpassed public records collection for locating people or businesses

  • Over 37 billion public records, including real estate and personal property records, as well as civil, criminal, court, bankruptcy filings, liens, judgments, cell phone records and more.
  • Evaluate potential business partners, vendors and customers with intelligent linking technology that uncovers connections even among businesses or persons who don’t share records
  • Find potential donors with ease using a single search across a vast database of public records including voter and past donation records
  • Ensure compliance with FEC guidelines, by conducting thorough due diligence from the most comprehensive public records database available

Company and industry insights including financial reports and executive profiles

  • 600+ company and industry sources—including annual reports, SEC filings, executive profiles, corporate hierarchies, earnings call transcripts, SWOT analysis, M&A reports and more
  • Conduct in-depth company and financial analysis for insights needed to assess opportunities, markets, competitors and other areas of interest
  • Explore competitor information, including their related businesses, performance history and litigation
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