About case scripts

A case script is a miniature program or macro a CaseMap user can run on demand. Case scripts are used for a variety of purposes, primarily to automate repetitive and/or complex tasks that users perform in CaseMap. Another purpose is to extend new functionality that CaseMap does not currently provide.

CaseMap scripts are stored within the CaseMap database file. This enables the scripts to be available wherever a case resides. This also makes it easy to share case scripts with other users of a case. You can have as many scripts as you want in a case. You cannot share a case script among multiple cases because it is saved in the database file. You can however save case scripts and then load them into other cases.



Previous case scripts are now merged into CaseMap as Case Tools. For more information, see About Case Tools.



If you are using CaseMap Server and have a SQL case open, you may not have permissions granted for using case script features. If so, these features will be disabled or grayed out in the Case Scripts menu and in Tools > Options > Scripting.


hmtoggle_plus1Learn why case scripting requires programming knowledge

Creating case scripting is a complex task that should only be performed by individuals who are familiar with programming and ActiveX scripting. At a minimum, it requires knowledge of a supported scripting programming language. It also requires an understanding of the scripting interfaces CaseMap and other applications provide.

CaseMap currently supports the scripting languages that are shipped with Microsoft® Script host, which includes Visual Basic Scripting Edition (VBScript), JScript, and JavaScript.

If there are other scripting languages you would like to see, please email or call CaseMap Support.

If another application supports scripting interfaces, you can write a script to send information to another program. You can also write case scripts to communicate with other applications through DDE (dynamic data exchange). Many commercial applications support scripting interfaces. Please check with individual product vendors to see if they support ActiveX scripting interfaces.

hmtoggle_plus1Learn the differences between case scripts and VBscript/JavaScript files


The script code portion is relatively identical. You can do anything in a case script that you can do in a VBScript or JavaScript file. And both case scripts and file scripts are executed by the Windows Script Host.


Case scripts are run within CaseMap's process space. Therefore, any case script accessing CaseMap's scripting interface will be faster than when run external to CaseMap. Each case script has global access to the CaseMap application object interface. In a case script, you can directly reference any of the CaseMap's application object properties and methods.

hmtoggle_plus1Control user access to case scripts

Individual user access for creating, editing, and running case scripts should be controlled by your case administrator.

Case scripts can be saved in two categories: My Scripts and All Users Scripts.

My Scripts are only visible and available to the current user logged on to the case.
All Users Scripts are available to any user of the case who has scripting access permissions.

You can, however, make a script available to multiple users while still restricting users for some users. And you can set script access rights and options to further restrict use.

For more information, see Setting case script access and options

hmtoggle_plus1Create case scripts in replica cases

You can create case scripts in a replica case and have the scripts synchronize in the master case. If the script is edited in the replica it will also synchronize in the master case — as long as the same script was not modified in the master case. If the script was modified in the master case, any edits made to the script in the replica will be discarded.

If you make significant changes to a case script in a replica, you should save the script to a file before synchronizing it with the master case.


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Need additional help? Email the CaseMap Support team at: casemap.support@lexisnexis.com, or contact a support representative at 1-800-833-3346 (option 3). The CaseMap Support team is available between the hours of 9:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. Eastern Time, Monday - Friday.

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