Converting open-ended lists to fixed lists

Open-ended list fields display a plus sign + in the field header. Fixed lists do not display a plus sign in the field header, but still allow users to select or add field values in drop-down lists. If you created an open-ended list and now want the field values to be fixed selections, you can convert it to a fixed list field. Doing so will keep field selections succinct and case users from creating too many values.

You can still add or edit values in custom fixed list fields (except CaseMap's fixed list fields). To do so, simply convert the fixed list field back to an open-ended field list to make the change, then convert it back to a fixed list field.


Open-ended list field example


hmtoggle_plus1To convert an open-ended list into a fixed list
1.Click on the field header for the open-ended list you want to convert and then click Field Properties.
2.In the Field Properties box, click on the Status tab.

Field Properties dialog box > Status tab

3.Edit the field values in the Values list by clicking the Add New Value CM_add_new_value_button or Delete Selected Value CM_delete_selected_value_button buttons.

Any records that contain a field value that you remove should be noted so you can update the record status with a new value in the list.

4.Click the Convert button CM_convert_button to change the field type, and then click Yes.

Notice that the Type designation in the Status tab changed from Open Ended to Fixed List.

5.Click Close to save the changes.

Notice that the field header no longer displays a plus sign.


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