Changing short name display

CaseMap always displays short names in description fields as underlined with blue dashes. Object short names display in a description fields (by default) when editing content, then CaseMap reverts to full name display when you exit the cell.

You can modify the short name display settings to your personal view. These settings do not affect other user views. Changing object display options affects the display of short names in description fields in spreadsheet views, list dialog boxes, and detail dialog boxes.


hmtoggle_plus1To change short name display
1.On the View menu, click Object Display Options.
2.On the submenu, click Underline Objects to add/remove the blue underline from object display in description fields.

By default, objects are underlined with blue dashes.

3.Click Show Full Name to turn off/on whether an object full name displays in description fields when you exit the cell.

By default, object full names display in description fields unless you click in the cell, then short names display.


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