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Formal Complaint Filed Against CDC Expulsions

April 14, 2020 (1 min read)

HRW, NIPNLG, Apr. 13, 2020

"We write on behalf of Human Rights Watch and the National Immigration Project of the National Lawyers Guild to register a formal complaint about DHS’s March 21, 2020 policy change to expel most individuals apprehended at the borders with Canada and Mexico. This announcement, based on a Centers for Disease Control and Prevention order from the previous day, is grounded in 42 U.S.C. §§ 265, 268, and purports to override protections in Titles 6 and 8 for unaccompanied children and asylum seekers. ... DHS’s actions raise a plethora of domestic and international-law violations—many of which are detailed in a recent letter by 10 Senators—that we urge you to investigate immediately. Already thousands of expelled migrants, including hundreds of unaccompanied children, have been deprived of their rights under Titles 6 and 8."