Issue 566 | 08 April 2024
Did you know that our LexisNexis training webinars are complimentary and most are
CPD compliant?
Tuesday, 16th of April at 1pm
In this session, we provide an orientation to Lexis Advance. Learn to harness the power of the Lexis Advance search engine to find commentary, case law, legislation, forms and precedents, and practical guidance on all different areas of law. This session will enable you to find what you need quickly and save you time.
Duration: 60 min
Click here to register today.
Thursday, 18th of April at 2pm
Become more skilled and efficient in your research. Join this session to explore effective methods of conducting searches on Advance to find commentary, legislation and case law, understand the algorithm that runs behind the scenes, and apply advanced filters to generate effective results. Learn to set up alerts and folders, share documents, and customise your publications pod and favourites to ensure that your use of the platform is meeting your research needs.
Duration: 60 min
Click here to register today.
Wednesday, 24th of April at 11am
Attend this session and find out how to access commentary, case law and legislation on the ever-changing landscape of New Zealand property land law and get up to date with the relevant resources available in Lexis Advance. As well as enabling you to carry out more effective research, we will take you through the key LexisNexis works in this area including Hinde McMorland and Sims’s Land Law in New Zealand, Adam’s Land Transfer and the Practical Guidance Property Law module. In addition, you will learn to set up alerts on relevant topics and publications and keep track of your documents for future reference, to save you valuable time.
Duration: 60 min
Click here to register today.
Commercial Law in New Zealand
Service 81 is now available online.
This service includes updates to the following topics: Specific Contracts, Insolvency, Dispute Resolution, Fair Trading and Secured Transactions.
Practical Guidance: Business Law
The first biannual review is now available online.
This review includes updates to the following topics: Anti-Money Laundering, Competition Law, Lending and Taking Security, Financial Reporting, Consumer Law, Social Media, In-House Know How, Ethical Conduct, Regulation of In-House Lawyers, and Insolvency.
Mazengarb’s Employment Law
Service 284 is now available online.
This service includes updates to the Employment Relations Act 2000: Part 2: Preliminary provisions; Part 6: Individual employees’ terms and conditions of employment; Part 9: Personal grievances, disputes and enforcement; and Part 9A: Additional provisions relating to enforcement of employment standards.
Service 284 also includes updates to the following areas: Court of Appeal (Civil) Rules 2005 – this has had a complete rewrite; Selected Topic: Contractual Aspects of Employment; Health and Safety at Work Act 2015; WorkSafe New Zealand Act 2013; Accident Compensation Act 2001.
The Fair Pay Agreements Act 2022 and the Fair Pay Agreements Act Regulations 2022 have been removed from hardcopy and moved into our Archive folder online.
Personal Grievances
Service 96 is now available online.
This service includes updates to the following chapters: Chapter 2: The Grievance process; Chapter 3: Unjustifiable dismissal; Chapter 4: Procedural fairness; Chapter 5: Grounds for dismissal; Chapter 7: Unjustifiable disadvantageous action; and Chapter 11: Remedies.
Practical Guidance: Family
Latest Legal Updates
Practical Guidance: Intellectual Property
The first biannual review is now available online.
This review includes updates to IP Fundamentals, Registering and Maintaining IP in New Zealand, and Intellectual Property Disputes.
Rob Batty & Kevin Glover
RRP*incl GST: $160.00 $144.00 (pre-order price)
ISBN: 9781988598628 (book)
Projected publication date: July 2024
The Employment title has been reviewed and updated.
District Court Practice (Civil)
Service 191 is now available online.
This service includes updates to the annotations to the District Court Rules 2014, Part 1 Rules of General Application, Part 12 Summary Judgment, and Part 13 Summary Proceeding for Recovery of Land.
Sim’s Court Practice
Service 243 is now available online.
This service includes updates to the annotations to the High Court Rules 2016: Part 2 Jurisdiction and powers of Associate Judges and Registrars, Part 4 Parties, Part 5 Commencement of proceedings and filing of documents, Part 6 Service, Part 7 Case management, interlocutory applications and interim relief, Part 8 Discovery and inspection and interrogatories, Part 12 Summary judgment, Part 14 Costs, Part 23 Enforcement between jurisdictions, Part 24 Insolvency, Part 31 Companies: Liquidation, and Part 32 Freezing orders. Updates have also been made to the annotations to the Interest on Money Claims Act 2016, the Judicial Review Procedure Act 2016 and the Contempt of Court Act 2019.
Neil Campbell
RRP*incl GST: $150.00 $135.00 (pre-order price)
ISBN: 9781988598932 (book)
Projected publication date: June 2024
Environmental and Resource Management Law
Service 63 is now available online.
This service includes updates to the chapters on New Organisms and Biosecurity, Noise, and Heritage.
Local Government
Service 67 is now available online.
Annotations to the Local Government Act 2002 have been updated in Part 2 Purpose of Local Government, and role and powers of Local Authorities, Part 6 Planning, decision making, and accountability, and Part 8 Regulatory, enforcement, and coercive powers of Local Authorities. The annotations to the Local Government (Rating) Act 2002 have been updated, in particular in Part 1 Preliminary and key provisions.
Practical Guidance: Trusts
Latest legal update
Ben Thompson
RRP*incl GST: $130.00
ISBN: 9781988598253 (book)
ISBN: 9781988598260 (ebook)
Publication date: 21 December 2023
The New Zealand Women’s Law Journal Trust
RRP*incl GST: $30.00
ISBN: NZWLJ2023VOL8 (book)
Publication date: 20 March 2024
Disclaimer: This service is intended to provide a summary of information recently made available on the LexisNexis online legal platform. The contents of Summing Up do not purport to be professional advice on any particular matter. The publishers therefore accept no liability for any claim or other action that may arise from the use of the information provided in this publication.
© LexisNexis NZ Limited 2024. All rights reserved.