Courts Reissue 2
The second reissue of the “Courts” title has now been completed in full and is available both online and in hard copy formats. Written by Peter Twist and Chris Foote, the title offers introductory Chapters sitting in Part I, with content in Parts II to VI in relation to the District Court, Specialist Courts, the High Court, the Court of Appeal, and the Supreme Court, providing essential guidance on the nature, establishment, and jurisdiction of these courts in New Zealand, including related coverage of other matters such as their composition, sittings, powers, as well as the appointment of judges and officers of the court, and appeals. The title is also offering a separate Chapter on appeals under the criminal jurisdiction of the courts in the Criminal Procedure Act 2011 in Part VII, with new content on court safety and remote participation and audiovisual links in courts in Parts VIII and IX.
Immigration and Protection Law Reissue 1
Updated new content for the first reissue of the “Immigration and Protection Law” tile has been uploaded and is now available online, ahead of its completion in full. The title is now featuring completely new Parts written by Judge Martin Treadwell, in addition to content already published and written by Debra Smallholme and Sharelle Aitchison, and has been restructured to include a comprehensive Introduction in Part I, a detailed examination of the law as to Arrivals and Departures and Visas in Parts II and III respectively, as to Refugee and Protected Person Status in Part IV, as to Classified Information in Part V, as well as new content in relation to the Immigration and Protection Tribunal and related procedural matters on appeal in Part VI, together with an examination of Powers in relation to Compliance and Information in Part VII.
Service 109 (updated to 1 July 2023) is now available online.
Service 109 features significant updates to:
- the "Land Law" title as a result of the Unit Titles (Strengthening Body Corporate Governance and Other Matters) Amendment Act 2022, the remainder of which (except for ss 10(2), 17, 23, 24, 26, 29, 34 (in respect of new section 157C), 35(4) and (5), 37 to 41, 42(1), 57 (in respect of new regulation 28C), 58 and 59), was brought into force on 9 May 2023, by clause 2(2) of the Unit Titles (Strengthening Body Corporate Governance and Other Matters) Amendment Act 2022 Commencement Order 2022 (SL 2022/281);
- the "Public Safety" title as a result of the Counter-Terrorism Acts (Designations and Control Orders) Amendment Act 2023, which came into force on 10 May 2023;
- the "Intellectual Property: Copyright", "Recreation and Entertainment", and "Trade and Commerce" titles as a result of the United Kingdom Free Trade Agreement Legislation Act 2022, which came into force on 31 May 2023;
- the "Trade and Commerce" title as a result of the Apple Transitional Export Quota Act 2022, which came into force on 31 May 2023;
- the "Agriculture" title as a result of the Dairy Industry Restructuring Amendment Act 2020, of which ss 20, 21, 23 – 28, and 30 came into force on 1 June 2023, and the Dairy Industry Restructuring (Fonterra Capital Restructuring) Amendment Act 2022, the remainder of which came into force on 1 June 2023;
- the "Environment" and "Recreation and Entertainment" titles, as a result of the Self-contained Motor Vehicles Legislation Act 2023, of which Part 1 (ss 3 – 42) (except for certain provisions of ss 10, 14(3), 17, and 18), ss 52 and 53 and Part 3, Subpart 2 (ss 57 and 58), came into force on 7 June 2023;
- the "Employment" title as a result of the Employment Relations (Extended Time for Personal Grievance for Sexual Harassment) Amendment Act 2023 and the Health and Safety at Work (Health and Safety Representatives and Committees) Amendment Act 2023, which both came into force on 13 June 2023; and
- the "Children and Young Persons" and "Parent and Child" titles, as a result of the Oversight of Oranga Tamariki System Act 2022, which came into force on 1 May 2023, and the Children and Young People's Commission Act 2022 and Child Support (Pass On) Acts Amendment Act 2023, both of which came into force on 1 July 2023.