Issue 565 | 25 March 2024
Did you know that our LexisNexis® training webinars are complimentary and most are
CPD compliant?
Thursday, 28th of March at 4pm
Attend this session to learn how LexisNexis suite of employment law publications sets you up with authoritative resources to power your employment practice. You’ll get insight into our range of expert employment commentary, including publications such as Mazengarb’s Employment Law, the Employment Law Bulletin, the New Zealand Law Journal, Privacy Law and Practice, the Laws of New Zealand Employment titles and the Practical Guidance module on Employment. We’ll also explore case law and legislation resources, including our powerful citators LexCite™ and CaseBase®.
Duration: 60 min
Click here to register today.
Tuesday, 16th of April at 1pm
In this session, we provide an orientation to Lexis Advance. Learn to harness the power of the Lexis Advance search engine to find commentary, case law, legislation, forms and precedents, and practical guidance on all different areas of law. This session will enable you to find what you need quickly and save you time.
Duration: 60 min
Click here to register today.
Thursday, 18th of April at 2pm
Become more skilled and efficient in your research. Join this session to explore effective methods of conducting searches on Advance to find commentary, legislation and case law, understand the algorithm that runs behind the scenes, and apply advanced filters to generate effective results. Learn to set up alerts and folders, share documents, and customise your publications pod and favourites to ensure that your use of the platform is meeting your research needs.
Duration: 60 min
Click here to register today.
Wednesday, 24th of April at 11am
Attend this session and find out how to access commentary, case law and legislation on the ever-changing landscape of New Zealand property land law and get up to date with the relevant resources available in Lexis Advance. As well as enabling you to carry out more effective research, we will take you through the key LexisNexis works in this area including Hinde McMorland and Sims’s Land Law in New Zealand, Adam’s Land Transfer and the Practical Guidance Property Law module. In addition, you will learn to set up alerts on relevant topics and publications and keep track of your documents for future reference, to save you valuable time.
Duration: 60 min
Click here to register today.
Morison’s Company and Securities Law
Service 211 is now available online.
Commentary on Directors, Accounts and Records, Personal Property Securities, and Financial Markets Conduct Act 2013 has been updated. The NZX Listing Rules have also been updated.
Practical Guidance: Business Law
This latest review includes updates to the topics: Anti-Money Laundering, Financial Reporting, Lending and Taking Security, Consumer Law, Competition Law, In-house Know How, Regulation of In-House Lawyers, Ethical Conduct, and Social Media.
Garrow and Turkington’s Criminal Law
Service 185 is now available online.
The Criminal Disclosure Act 2008, Criminal Procedure Act 2011, Evidence Act 2006, and Search and Surveillance Act 2012 have been amended. Commentary has been updated for the Crimes Act 1961, Criminal Procedure Act 2011, and Search and Surveillance Act 2012. An updated Index has been included.
New Zealand Family Law Journal
(2024) 11 NZFLJ No 4 was published in March 2024. This issue includes the following articles:
- Jeannine Cheong “Navigating controversies in puberty blocker use on children: an analysis of Bell v Tavistock and the legal validity of a child’s consent to puberty blockers in New Zealand courts”
- Kezia Milne, Alex Summerlee and Stephen van Bohemen “Falling between two stools? The risk in New Zealand’s approach to the assessment of grave risk in Hague Convention cases”
- Bill Atkin “Case note: Possession of home and trusts — Lindsay v Lamb”
Practical Guidance: Family
Latest Legal Updates
New Zealand Intellectual Property Journal
Issue 10 Part 6 is now available online.
This issue includes IP Round-up: Recent decisions from the Courts by Dr Rob Batty and recent trade mark and patent official action decisions from IPONZ.
Conveyancing Bulletin
Volume 21 issue 1 is now available online.
This issue includes an analysis of key recent judgments in the areas of compensation, caveats, co-ownership, mortgages and sale of land.
Service 110 (updated to 20 December 2023) is now available online.
Service 110 features significant updates to:
- the "Banking" title as a result of the Deposit Takers Act 2023, of which Part 3 Subpart 2 (ss 72 – 92), ss 238 - 244, Part 6 Subpart 7 (ss 245 – 247), and Part 8 Subpart 5 (ss 454 – 466) came into force on 7 July 2023;
- the "Building and Construction" title as a result of the Construction Contracts (Retention Money) Amendment Act 2023 which came into force on 5 October 2023;
- the "Charities" title, as a result of provisions of the Charities Amendment Act 2023 that came into force on 10 October 2023;
- the "Children and Young Persons" title, as a result of the Oversight of Oranga Tamariki System Act 2022, which came into force on 1 May 2023, and the Children and Young People's Commission Act 2022, which came into force on 1 July 2023;
- the "Competition" title, as a result of the Grocery Industry Competition Act 2023, which came into force on 10 July 2023;
- the "Consumer Protection", "Environment", and "Recreation and Entertainment" titles as a result of the Self-contained Motor Vehicles Legislation Act 2023, of which ss 10, 14(3), 17, and 18 (to the extent specified) were brought into force on 13 July 2023, with the remainder of the Act commencing on 6 December 2023, and the Plumbers, Gasfitters, and Drainlayers (Self-Contained Vehicles) Regulations 2023 which came into force on 6 December 2023;
- the "Elections" and "Local Government" titles as a result of the Local Government Electoral Legislation Act 2023, which (except for ss 4(2), 5 – 10, 12(2) and (5), 13(2), 19(1) and (2), 20 – 23, 36(1) and (2), 37(1), (3), (5), (6), and (8), and 49(6)) came into force on 31 August 2023;
- the "Legal Services" title as a result of the Legal Services Amendment Act 2023, which came into force on 31 August 2023;
- the "Liquor Law" title as a result of the Sale and Supply of Alcohol (Community Participation) Amendment Act 2023, which (except for ss 15 – 18) came into force on 31 August 2023;
- the "Mental Health" title as a result of the Mental Health (Compulsory Assessment and Treatment) Amendment Act 2021, of which ss 4, 6, 7, 8, 10, and 12 came into force on 29 October 2023;
- the "Prisons and Enforcement of Services" title as a result of the Parole Amendment Act 2023, which came into force on 31 August 2023.
Disclaimer: This service is intended to provide a summary of information recently made available on the LexisNexis online legal platform. The contents of Summing Up do not purport to be professional advice on any particular matter. The publishers therefore accept no liability for any claim or other action that may arise from the use of the information provided in this publication.
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