Greg is a registered patent attorney and has a mixed practice in patents, trade marks and designs, primarily acting for local SME clients, handling mainly patent work in the areas of pharmaceuticals, chemicals, mining and optical, as well as a number of general mechanical areas.
Professionally, Greg's highlights have been time with the Professional Standards Board of Patent and Trade Marks Attorneys (and its Board of Examiners), being an Examiner for eight years and then a Board Member for six years, four years on the Council of the Institute of Patent and Trade Marks Attorneys of Australia (IPTA), three years lecturing in the South-East Asian Drafting (SEAD) course in Singapore, two years lecturing Australian Patent Practice at Melbourne University, and four years on Phillips Ormonde Fitzpatrick's internal National Board. Greg's involvement with the Asian Patent Attorneys Association (APAA) for more than 20 years has seen a lot of travelling around Asia, particularly to Japan, culminating in being the Australian Group President for 3 years.
Greg entered the patent attorney profession in 1986 and was registered as a patent attorney in 1988, being awarded the Institute Prize for the best qualifying results that year.
He is currently a Partner in the Adelaide office of Phillips Ormonde Fitzpatrick.
Publications and Editorial Contacts
Awards & Recognition
Institute of Patent Attorneys Award for Academic Achievement in Qualifying Examinations - 1989
Institute of Patent Attorneys Award for Academic Achievement in Qualifying Examinations - 1989
Asian Patent Attorneys Association - Member
Professional Organisation
Phillips Ormonde Fitzpatrick
Professional Contact