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Advancing Together: Rule of Law Updates and Perspectives

A concept in relentless evolution, advancing the rule of law is not a finite mission; it requires steady commitment, and disruption is one way that underpins its continuous expansion. We hope you enjoy this new edition of Advancing Together that looks at perspectives and opinions of some of the disruptors in our time who change things up with their start-ups, projects and initiatives.

In this edition, we highlight articles from our contributors:

  • Disruption in the legal sector: the Asia-Pacific start-ups driving the change.
  • ‘If I can see further, it’s because I am standing on the shoulders of giants,’ Sir Isaac Newton, 5 February 1675, in a letter to Robert Hooke.
  • Spurring digital transformation in Singapore’s legal industry.
  • Advances in technology and consequences for legal education.
  • Digital disruption in the legal department.

We thank you for your continued support and partnership and look forward to bringing you more updates in the future about our initiatives.