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Advancing Together: Rule of Law Updates and Perspectives

The last 12-18 months have undoubtedly been difficult for people across the world. The impacts of the pandemic have been profound, affecting national economies, as well as our ability to work and socialise. We at LexisNexis® remain committed to our Rule of Law efforts and share with you our June 2021 digest of Advancing Together.

In this edition we highlight:

  • What will ‘building back better’ mean for women in the Asia-Pacific region when the pandemic is over?
  • Women, gender, and the rule of law in the Asia-Pacific region
  • Respect at work, safe workplaces remain far from reach for Australian women
  • Something amiss in the Sultanate of Brunei Darussalam: reflections on diversity, inclusion, and the rule of law
  • Why quotas matter
  • Screen reading the law | Accessibility and Lexis Advance®

Click below to view the June 2021 edition.