The global media headlines of recent years have been dominated by geopolitical issues. From conflicts in Ukraine and the Middle East to major elections, geopolitics have a direct impact on economies. They...
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Adverse media screening can transform a company’s reputation risk management operation and drive new business opportunities. But amid heightened risks of online misinformation, a careful strategy is required...
In October, there were 615 UK media articles recognised by the LexisNexis Human Trafficking Awareness Index data model. That compares with only 439 in September, representing a 40% increase. To better understand what's behind this rise, a quick look at the data through Nexis Analyser shows a significant peak of reporting during Week 42 (October 13, 2014 – October 19, 2014).
During this week there were several articles worth revisiting.
Show us proof there aren't slaves in your supply chain, UK gov tells big firms
Followers of our blog will know that we've been tracking the progress of the Modern Slavery Billl which is currently progressing through parliament. This article notes that the bill has gone further than any comparable legislation in the world by applying to businesses regardless of their nature or what they supplied. This could include both goods and services. Discussing the move, Karen Bradley, UK Minister for Modern Slavery and Organised Crime, said: "Greater transparency will give customers, campaigners and shareholders the information they need to hold all big business to account while also supporting companies to do the right thing."
Progress of the bill can be viewed at
Labour exploitation on the up
Cases of labour exploitation overtook that of sexual exploitation, according to a report published by the Salvation Army. The report highlighted a 62% increase in human trafficking victims seeking support with more than 1,800 people coming forward since 2011. Forced labour accounted for 42% of cases last year, surpassing sexual exploitation (38%) and domestic servitude (10%).
Anne Read, the charity's anti-trafficking response coordinator, said this increase was saddening, but was pleased with the increase in offensive authority action to bring perpetrators to justice and work across sectors to raise awareness.
There are more slaves today than EVER before in the history of the world
The reports on the campaigning group Free The Slaves estimate that around 21-30 million people worldwide are trapped in slavery. This is compared to an estimate of 9-11 million people who landed alive in Europe from Africa during the slave trade.
Slavery today looks different to how it did back in the slave trade. But it operates on the same principle: forced labour for no pay. People kept against their will, trafficked and given no money. Sometimes they are 'paid' in food, so they can stay alive and work harder, and other times they are paid, but this payment is taken back off them at the end of the month, so they have to work.
Slaves also work in industries such as chocolate production and the clothing industry. Our 'Dressed to Kill' white paper includes a quote from Kevin Burke, President and CEO, American Apparel & Footwear Association (AAFA):
"It is more important than ever for brands and retailers to know exactly where the product is at any given time and what materials are being used to create the product. Being able to trace the supply chain is a top priority for the industry."
End notes
The LexisNexis Human Trafficking Awareness Index data model highlights emerging trends and patterns of awareness within and across national borders. The Index uses the respected Nexis® service to track and analyse the volume of articles related to human trafficking. Using a licensed collection of almost 6,000 of the most influential news sources from more than 120 countries, the HTA Index highlights emerging trends and patterns of awareness within and across national borders. Activists working to combat human trafficking can use this information to highlight and raise awareness to inform their efforts and gain greater understanding of the news.