15 Oct 2019

State Dept. Public Charge Rule Will NOT Be Implemented Oct. 15th

From Twitter:

Camilo Montoya-Galvez @camiloreports - "The State Department public charge rule will take effect tomorrow [Tuesday, Oct. 15, 2019]—but it won't be implemented until a new form is approved, per a @StateDept official. So, it will not be implemented tomorrow, per the official."

Doug Rand @Doug_Rand - "State #PublicCharge rule will use new Form DS-5540 ("Public Charge Questionnaire"), but still awaiting OMB clearance. ... Buried in @StateDept interim final rule are these numbers: #PublicCharge test will apply to ~12.7M visa applicants/year. Form DS-5540 will be demanded of ~450k *green card* applicants only."