07 Jan 2013

American DREAMers: UT Law Clinic Supports DACA

"Less than three months after President Obama’s announcement, the Law School’s Pro Bono Program began a successful partnership with the Immigration Clinic, and held its first weekend clinic for Austin high school-aged DREAMers, to help them prepare their DACA applications. The support the project received, from a variety of sources, was unprecedented. “Our clinic has been involved in legal representation of DREAMers for many years, but DACA provides an unprecedented op-portunity to change to lives of many deserving students,” said [University of Texas Law School Immigration Clinic Professor Barbara] Hines." - UT Law Magazine, Dec. 2012.

  Barbara Hines, Clinical Professor; Co-Director - Immigration Clinic

   Denise L. Gilman, Clinical Professor, Co-Director - Immigration Clinic