14 Sep 2012

Fewer Crossing, More Dying: Our Deadly Border

"Death stalks the borderlands.  But the dead aren't considered worthy of much notice.  By the end of August, the bodies of 122 illegal border crossers had been found in Arizona's southern deserts.  Border Patrol apprehensions dropped 75 percent in its Tuscon sector from fiscal year 2004 to 2011, indicating fewer are crossing.  But more are dying.  The body count jumped from 142 human beings in 2004 to 195 people in 2011, according to the Border Patrol. In 2010, a record 249 bodies were found in the sector.  This mounting death toll of men, women and children should be part of the debate about immigration reform.  But it isn't.  Politicians offer little leadership.  The rhetoric thunders on.  A three-day editorial series by Linda Valdez exposes the face of this human tragedy."

 Thursday: Humanitarians respond to the crisis.
 Friday: People who risk their lives to come here.
 Saturday: The morgue, where the journey ends for so many.

 Slideshow: Humanitarians
 Slideshow: Migrants
 Slideshow: The morgue
 Video: Our deadly border

Follow Linda Valdez on Twitter @valdezlinda