12 Jan 2021

ICE Detention COVID-19 Practices Violate Law: Report

Physicians for Human Rights, Jan. 12, 2021 - Praying for Hand Soap and Masks

"The harsh and punitive conditions reported in this study show that ICE practices did not comply with Centers for Disease Control and Prevention guidance or with ICE’s own Pandemic Response Requirements, creating unacceptable health risks which violated the constitutional and human rights of detainees. International law requires governments to use immigration detention only as a last resort, and the U.S. constitution prohibits punitive conditions in civil detention, requiring the government to ensure safe and healthy conditions. As an urgent matter, the U.S. government should release all people from immigration detention to allow them to safely shelter in the community, absent a substantiated individual determination that the person represents a public security risk. Safely releasing people from immigration detention is in accordance with international human rights and U.S. constitutional standards and represents the best way to prevent further outbreaks of COVID-19."