25 Nov 2013

New E-Verify “Enhancement” a Minefield for Employers: Ann Allott

"Here’s a message for restaurant and lodging industries and others that rely on low income workers: It’s time to take your headache medicine.  The government is announcing an “improvement” of its E-Verify system.  The government calls this an “enhancement,” but in fact, this new computer tool will place new burdens on employers’ worker verification practices and has consequences for US citizen individual workers as well.  The hospitality industry is especially vulnerable because its huge workforce is anchored by the support of low income workers – maids, busboys, cleaners — who are essential to businesses in need of such workers.  The “enhancement” is a new E-Verify computer tool which “locks” a social security number to one individual and bars anyone else from using it." - Ann Allott, Nov. 2013.