2 Dec 2018
Author : InfoPro Community Manager
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Helping to advance the rule of law around the world
Equality under the law. Transparency of law. Independent judiciary. Accessible legal remedy. Even today, more than half the world’s population lives outside the shelter of the law, and billions of people lack basic human rights. A primary reason many people become legal and information professionals is to help extend the rule of law where it has been missing.
At LexisNexis® Legal & Professional, we’re working to advance the rule of law through our day-to-day business operations, products and services, and actions as a corporate citizen, in partnership with bar associations, law societies, customers, the courts and with governments across the globe. Individuals, teams and organizational leaders are engaged in a variety of programs to advance the rule of law around the world. The following examples may help spur more ideas and actions advancing the cause that’s at the heart of our work.
Collaboration on the Somalia Monitoring & Evaluation Task Force
As part the 73rd United Nations General Assembly, LexisNexis hosted the launch of the Somalia Monitoring & Evaluation Task Force, set in motion by the Somali government with the support of 15 different UN agencies to address problems with existing measurements on rule of law and create new and better ways to track success. The UN is working collaboratively with LexisNexis on this initiative in hopes that it can serve as a model for other countries.
Supporting the eyeWitness to Atrocities App
The International Bar Association, with technology support from LexisNexis, provides eyeWitness to Atrocities, an app that seeks to bring to justice individuals who commit atrocities by providing human rights defenders, journalists and ordinary citizens with a mobile app to capture verifiable video and photos of human rights abuses. eyeWitness then becomes an ongoing advocate for the footage to promote accountability for those who commit the worst international crimes.
Making laws accessible in the Maldives
For the first time in the history of the Republic of Maldives, LexisNexis partnered with the Attorney General’s Office to consolidate, update, translate and index laws in the country. The country’s laws are now widely available to Maldivians and to the world at large online and in print.
RELX Group Sustainable Development Goals Resource Centre
RELX Group, parent company of LexisNexis Legal & Professional, has launched a dedicated news and information resource to help advance awareness, understanding and implementation of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals. Content includes articles, reports, tools, webinars, videos, legal practical guidance and discussion groups on science, law, business and events from across RELX Group and its divisions.
LexisNexis Rule of Law Impact Tracker
LexisNexis partners with the World Justice Project® to provide the LexisNexis Rule of Law Impact Tracker, an interactive tool that quantifies the relationship between the rule of law and social and economic development.
View a visual and read more about the impact of the rule of law on life expectancy, wealth and corruption.
More information
Read more online about LexisNexis actions to advance the rule of law.
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