12 Jul 2021
Author : InfoPro Community Manager
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Key Lexis+™ Enhancements
A variety of enhanced Lexis+ features and new options have been released.
- Shepard’s® At Risk helps ensure users are citing the best authority for a point of law. We’ve extended access beyond the full-text case opinion; now Shepard’s At Risk displays in other contexts across Lexis+, including Brief Analysis and Shepard’s® reports.
- Brief Analysis: Multiple updates have been rolled out.
- Shepard’s analysis is embedded in the Cited in your Document
- Enhanced PDF processing capabilities were launched.
- The number of suggested briefs has been increased to 30, providing more relevant content to use as model documents and clauses for your brief drafting tasks.
- New filter recommendations were added for specific legal concepts and jurisdictions. The Change selected concepts and Change Jurisdictions options are located at the bottom of the Brief Analysis Dashboard.

- A recent case study was published about Brief Analysis by AWS, LexisNexis® Builds AI-Powered Legal Brief Analysis Tool Using AWS, which highlights the collaboration between Lexis® Labs and AWS through a “working backwards” innovation approach to develop a capability that improves productivity and decision-making for our customers.
- Other recent Lexis+ updates
- The experience dock choice a user makes (Research, Practical Guidance, Brief Analysis, Litigation Analytics now remains as the default across sessions, so users can pick up where they left off.
- Annotations and highlights are now made visible when a user returns to a document without requiring the document be saved to a Lexis+ work folder.
- The Lexis Answers® tool is now made available when searching Practical Guidance materials on the Lexis+ service.
- Several new design enhancements and features were added to the Lexis+ full document display, enhancing the user experience related to readability, navigation and access to helpful content and tools.
- Display: The full-text document display across content collection was updated to improve the presentation, focusing on readability and navigation. Specifically, Search Term Maps is displayed vertically; the “Go To” menu was replaced with the ability to navigate to key sections of the document through Search Term Maps; a unified “info” view combines Shepard’s® and About information; Back to Results appears in the upper left; and Delivery icons are in the upper right, including KWIC™, Link to this Page and Reading mode.
- New features within the full document: Select individual terms to display within Search Term Maps; quickly navigate to the top of the document using Search Term Maps; and stay in reading mode while navigating from document to document.

LexisNexis, Lexis, Lexis Answers, Shepard’s and the Knowledge Burst logo are registered trademarks, and Lexis+ and KWIC are trademarks of RELX Inc. © 2021 LexisNexis.