14 Jan 2020
Author : InfoPro Community Manager
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LexisNexis® Information Professional Quarterly Update—January 2020
New court analytics module added to Context on the Lexis Advance® service
Know how your court has ruled on similar matters and what language persuades your court to help you build the best argument or consider a change of venue with Context court analytics. This robust analytics product includes access to over 5,000 state and federal courts. The court analytics module is available to customers who currently subscribe to Context judge analytics and Context expert witness analytics. See details.
How the next generation of lawyers is reshaping practice through legal technology
Generation Z, the fastest-growing generation in the U.S. workplace, is poised to have a tremendous impact in the market. Three out of four next-gen lawyers said they rely on advanced technologies including AI, data visualization and analytics during the research and analysis process recognizing how they increase productivity and improve decision making. A new PwC Legal Tech Study reveals current attitudes and expectations among this impactful group. Read more.
Staying current in an evolving cybersecurity and privacy landscape
Cybersecurity has once again been named one of the hottest practice areas for the year and is projected to continue to be an area with seismic activity in 2020. Recent years have seen significant legislative activity on all levels of government including the passage of the California Consumer Privacy Act, which came into effect at the start of this year, and the European Union’s General Data Protection Regulation, which became effective in 2018, among several other new laws. It’s critical to stay up to date on the latest issues and trends including the latest litigation, regulatory and legislative coverage, compliance guidance, risks and emerging threats in the market. Review details and key resources.
LexisNexis® PAIR Watch delivers USPTO PAIR data to your inbox, providing dependable patent application monitoring
Easily automate public patent application tracking for one—or hundreds or thousands—of patent applications with the PAIR Watch patent monitoring service. Designed to manage the time-consuming task of tracking patent applications, PAIR Watch monitors the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office Public PAIR website and sends alerts to subscribers via email whenever changes take place to the Image File Wrapper, Continuity Data or Transaction History. Read more and access resources.
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