29 Oct 2018
Author : InfoPro Community Manager
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Make your favorite Practice Center your research start page
Many legal researchers realize Lexis Advance® Practice Centers connect to top sources for specific jurisdictions, practice areas and industries. But did you know you can choose a Practice Center to be your research start page? Once you do, the sources you use most often are at your fingertips every time you sign in.
To access a Practice Center organized for the work you do most, go to the Lexis Advance home page and select Browse > Practice Centers and then choose either By Jurisdiction …
… or By Practice Area or Industry.
You can choose from more than 60 specialized Lexis Advance Practice Centers, each putting top sources at your fingertips.
If your LexisNexis® subscription goes beyond the Lexis Advance service to include the Lexis Practice Advisor® service, Lex Machina® Legal Analytics® and/or other added capabilities, you can access those via the practice page as well.
Make the most relevant Practice Center your research start page.
Making your preferred Practice Center your research start page is easy. Just click the Actions pull-down menu toward the top of your Lexis Advance screen and select Make this my research start page.
You will then see a message like this:
That’s it! Whenever you sign in to Lexis Advance, you’ll start from that page.
You can easily change your research start page again by repeating the actions above.
An alternate way to change it—especially if you want to go back to the original Lexis Advance research home page as your research start page—is to use the More menu and select Settings.
Click the Lexis Advance® Research tab and then click the down arrow next to the Display this page by default when signing in pull-down menu.
Click your new start page selection.
Then scroll down and click Save changes to Settings & Close.
More details
Please consider sharing this information with others on your team. For more details and research assistance, please contact your LexisNexis account representative.
LexisNexis, Lexis Advance, Lexis Practice Advisor and the Knowledge Burst logo are registered trademarks of RELX Inc. Lex Machina and Legal Analytics are registered trademarks of Lex Machina, Inc. Other products or services may be trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective companies.