13 Sep 2019
Author : InfoPro Community Manager
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New content, new home page and more on the Lexis Advance® service
Several significant enhancements released this summer on Lexis Advance resulting in faster, easier navigation and more relevant results. Highlights include a new streamlined home page, relocation of the Browse functionality, enhanced Court filters, India primary law and more.
To give users faster, more relevant search results, a new streamlined Lexis Advance home page has been released. View this one-page overview to see details on what has changed.
For a more intuitive and streamlined user experience, functionality formerly under Browse has been relocated to Explore Content.
Find a Source
Quickly locate sources of interest via the Find a Source tab in Explore Content. Search for a specific source or use the alphabetical listing to locate sources of interest. (Note, this is an in-plan option for commercial customers.) The same filters are available, i.e. see all sources in a specific jurisdiction. Other options include getting all available documents for the source, adding one or multiple sources as search filters, and creating a publication alert.
Find a Topic
Use the LexisNexis® online digest system to find cases that address a legal topic, issue or point of law. Select the overall practice area topic and expand subtopics. You can also search for a specific topic in the search box provided. Once a topic is selected, Lexis Advance will process the search and retrieve cases related to the topic. Set up a topic alert to receive new documents from the content types you select.
Practice Centers
Easily access Practice Centers under Content Type in Explore Content. They are also accessible in the State and Practice Area or Industry tabs.
Lexis Advance post-search filters have been enhanced, including an intuitive and flexible hierarchical style, allowing users to easily select multiple filters from one screen and drill down to specific courts more efficiently.
Access India Case Law and Statutes from over 90 sources. Go to Explore Content > International > India
Lexis Answers™ now includes expert witness cards
The AI-enabled Lexis Answers™ tool is a quick way to get answers to common legal questions including definitions, elements, burden of proof, standards of review and more. Now you can leverage the power of Lexis Answers to quickly get background information on an expert witness. Simply enter the expert’s name in the Lexis Advance search box, select from the word wheel and search. Expert witness cards include areas of expertise, contact information and links to vital intelligence like testimony, challenges, cases and more—no additional searches needed.
LexisNexis, Lexis Advance and the Knowledge Burst logo are registered trademarks and Lexis Answers is a trademark of RELX Inc.