14 Jan 2020
Author : InfoPro Community Manager
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Staying current in an evolving cybersecurity and privacy landscape
Cybersecurity has once again been named one of the hottest practice areas for the year and is projected to continue to be an area with seismic activity in 2020. Recent years have seen significant legislative activity on all levels of government including the passage of the California Consumer Privacy Act, which came into effect at the start of this year, and the European Union’s General Data Protection Regulation, which became effective in 2018, among several other new laws. In the coming year, additional states may follow California’s lead in enacting their own data privacy laws, pressure will likely continue to mount for Congress to enact a national privacy law, and lawmakers are expected to focus on protecting biometric data with regulations on facial recognition technology.
In this quickly evolving and complex legal landscape for cybersecurity and privacy, practitioners need access to the latest coverage and the ability to efficiently stay up to date on the latest issues and trends in practice, including litigation, regulatory and legislative coverage, compliance guidance, risks and emerging threats in the market.
Stay current on developments in data security & privacy law
Access our leading collection of analytical sources, news and legal news on Lexis Advance® to find expert commentary and breaking coverage of emerging issues in data security and privacy law.
The Lexis Advance service offers a unique aggregation of news and legal news covering data security and privacy including sources like Law360®, Mealey’s® Data Privacy Law Report, Pratt’s™ Privacy and Cybersecurity Law Report, Cybersecurity Law & Strategy® from ALM® and WSJ Pro Cybersecurity, in addition to the 26,000+ general news sources on Lexis Advance. These sources offer unique perspectives and coverage of cybersecurity issues.
- Law360 Cybersecurity & Privacy provides breaking news and analysis on cybersecurity and privacy law. Coverage includes cybersecurity and privacy suits and enforcement actions, data protection compliance issues, data breaches, and domestic and international policy developments.
- Mealey’s Data Privacy Report is a monthly publication that follows the latest litigation in federal and state courts involving online privacy and data protection, federal and state regulatory and legislative developments, and rulings by administrative agencies tasked with enforcing laws that impact data privacy.
- Pratt’s Privacy and Cybersecurity Law Report is a journal published nine times per year that explores and analyzes current developments in privacy and cybersecurity law, including statutory and regulatory developments, case law, data breach prevention and response, dispute resolution and industry developments.
- Cybersecurity Law & Strategy is an online-only newsletter with articles and analysis by experts in the field regarding threats to client data and best practices to try to prevent and respond to breaches.
- WSJ Pro Cybersecurity is a premium newsletter service focused on analysis and commentary on the full range of cybersecurity challenges faced by business executives.
You will also find current analysis in leading online-exclusive treatises from Matthew Bender®, Law Journal Press®, LexisNexis® A.S. Pratt® and LexisNexis® Sheshunoff®, including in titles such as Computer Law: A Guide to Cyberlaw and Data Privacy Law, which offers extensive coverage of U.S. and international privacy and data protection, and International Computer Law, a practical guide to international information technology law.
You can access these materials and more by utilizing the Explore Content pod on the Lexis Advance home page or via the Lexis Advance Data Privacy & Cyberlaw Practice Center.
Navigate to computer and internet law sources via explore content
Navigate to a searchable collection of computer and internet law sources including: Cases; Statutes and Legislation; Administrative Codes and Regulations; Administrative Materials; Secondary Materials; Forms; Briefs, Pleadings and Motions; Verdicts & Settlements; Expert Witness Analysis; News; and Legal News, via Explore Content.
- You can select particular sources to search or search across all sources on the page from the Computer & Internet Law page.
- You can also view all secondary materials within the practice area by clicking on the link for All Computer & Internet Law Treatises, Practice Guides & Jurisprudence.
- Navigate to the Data Privacy & Cyberlaw Practice Center and/or Lexis Practice Advisor® Data Security & Privacy from the links on the right of your Computer & Internet Law page.
Research more efficiently using the Lexis Advance Data Privacy & Cyberlaw Practice Center
The Lexis Advance Data Privacy & Cyberlaw Practice Center provides an efficient and easy-to-use research environment, bringing together the top sources for practice in this area of law including primary law, authoritative treatises, forms, news and business publications, and practical guidance.
- Quickly access headlines on emerging issues in cybersecurity and privacy law including the latest litigation, regulatory and legislative coverage, compliance guidance, risks and trends in the market with news pods linking to articles from Law360 Privacy News, Mealey’s Data Privacy Law Report, Mealey’s® Litigation Report: Cyber-Tech and E-Commerce, and Pratt’s Privacy and Cybersecurity Law Report.
- Search across all sources on the Practice Center or easily select Top Sources to search, including Cases, Statutes & Regulations, Secondary Sources and Matthew Bender Forms and Checklists, by clicking on the spyglass icon next to the source to add the source as a search filter. You can also go to the Table of Contents for any of the listed Secondary Sources by clicking on the link for the title.
- From the Practice Center, you can also link out to other resources including MLex® Market Insights, which covers regulatory developments worldwide, and Lexis Practice Advisor Data Security & Privacy, our platform for practical guidance.
Gain know-how from pioneering attorneys in Data Security & Privacy Law
Find the resources needed to protect clients’ interests and stay compliant in a complex and evolving regulatory environment for Data Security & Privacy with extensive practical guidance from Lexis Practice Advisor.
Lexis Practice Advisor Data Security & Privacy provides over 400 resources on core privacy and data security workflows, including task-oriented practice notes, annotated forms and checklists designed for faster research and drafting, covering domestic and foreign laws and compliance issues, how to prepare for and manage a data breach, draft privacy policies, and many more skills in this area of practice. Some of our key content includes extensive coverage of the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA), General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), Federal Agency Enforcement Trackers and state law surveys.
- Evolving Guidance from Lexis Practice Advisor also helps you stay up to date on emerging issues in cybersecurity and privacy law, tracking legal developments on topics such as the use of biometric data, data breaches, the CCPA and GDPR. Access this coverage including unique First Analysis articles by clicking into the topics from the Evolving Guidance pod.
- Use the Lexis Practice Advisor® State Law Comparison Tool to create customized reports comparing laws in selected states on legal issues such as data breach notification requirements, event data recorder privacy, and wiretapping and surveillance. From the Data Security & Privacy home page, click the Get Started link underneath the U.S. map icon to access the tool. Select your jurisdictions, questions of law and formatting options to generate a customized chart (Microsoft® Excel®) or report (Word or PDF).
- In addition to the wealth of forms and clauses for data security and privacy practice you can access within the Lexis Practice Advisor service, you can also view a searchable bank of deal documents filed with the SEC containing privacy and cybersecurity clauses and risk factor reporting. Transactions Search powered by Intelligize® offers four pre-filtered search paths to common deal clauses, making it easy to access these documents as deal precedents and for focused market intelligence. Find this tool under the yellow magnifying glass icon on the right side of the practice area home page.
LexisNexis, Lexis Advance, Lexis Practice Advisor, Mealey’s and the Knowledge Burst logo are registered trademarks of RELX Inc. Matthew Bender, A.S. Pratt and Sheshunoff are registered trademarks and Pratt’s is a trademark of Matthew Bender & Company, Inc. Law360 is a registered trademark of Portfolio Media, Inc. MLex is a registered trademark of MLex Limited. Intelligize is a registered trademark of Intelligize, Inc. ALM, Law Journal Press and Cybersecurity Law & Strategy are registered trademarks of ALM Media Properties, LLC. Other products or services may be trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective companies.