24 Jan 2023
Author : InfoPro Community Manager
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LexisNexis® Librarian Webinar Series — Spring 2023
Please join your LexisNexis® Knowledge & Research Consultants on an exploration of tools and enhancements designed to make your workflow easier and more efficient. Participate in all four webinars by attending them live or accessing the recording, available for a limited time.
20 Lexis+® Tips in 30 Minutes
February 15, 2023 (Wednesday), 2:00 - 2:30pm ET
Join Jocelyn Sagherian, Knowledge & Research Consultant, for a look at 20 functions, features, and tools available on Lexis+. Learn how each feature can enhance your research workflow, making you more efficient and giving you greater insight into the results. By the end, you will hopefully have a few new research tricks up your sleeve.
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Find Tax Research Taxing? See How Lexis® Can Help!
March 15, 2023 (Wednesday), 2:00 - 2:30pm ET
Join Jocelyn Sagherian, Knowledge & Research Consultant, and Susan Trachta, Practice Area Specialist, as they explore tax research using Practical Guidance and Lexis® Tax. If tax law is a new area for you, Practical Guidance can help simplify complex tax topics and keep you up to speed in the current legal environment. If you are an experienced tax researcher, Lexis Tax can assist you in uncovering relevant information and insight faster, as well as tracking vital issues more effectively. Learn insights for using both tools and best practices to ensure you derive their fullest benefits.
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Public Records: Tips & Best Practices
April 26, 2023 (Wednesday), 2:00 - 2:30pm ET
Join your Knowledge and Research Consultants for a conversation with Melanie Powderly, product manager, exploring tips and best practices for effective public records searching.
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Summer Associate Training: An Inside Look
May 10, 2023 (Wednesday), 2:00 - 2:30pm ET
Join Knowledge and Research Consultants, Jocelyn Sagherian and Lindsey Watson, for an overview of our Summer Associate training program, and what Summer Associates have experience with in law school.
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