LexisNexis® InfoPro Weekly Update, November 17, 2022

Product and Practice Area Updates New Filings Tab When Viewing a Case on Lexis+® AALL™/LexisNexis® Call for Papers – submit by March 1 LexisNexis® expands its Intellectual Property Solutions suite with the acquisition of ...
17 Nov 2022

Intellectual Property & Technology Update: API strategies for protecting API as intellectual Property

APIs (Application Programming Interfaces) Learn about API fundamentals and strategies for protecting an API as intellectual property. Read about key considerations in API license agreements including licensed materials, the license grant, restrictions ...
17 Nov 2022

AALL™/LexisNexis® Call for Papers – submit by March 1

Promoting scholarship, the AALL™/LexisNexis® Call for Papers Committee is soliciting unpublished papers in four categories: Open Division: AALL members with 5 or more years of experience New Member Division: AALL members with less than ...
17 Nov 2022

New Filings Tab When Viewing a Case on Lexis+®

The new Filings tab will make it easier to access related court materials, and they will be viewable without leaving the document! New View: NOTE: The Filings tab only appears when you are in the document tab. It does not appear on the tab bar once ...
17 Nov 2022

Knowledge and Research Consultant Tip: Using Brief Analysis as a research tool using a “passage” from a document

You may be aware that Brief Analysis on Lexis+® is often used to find related recommendations to other cases, briefs, Practical Guidance documents and treatises based on your brief. Brief Analysis also allows for the use of a passage from a document—rather ...
16 Nov 2022