Behind every good law department is an equally good legal operations team, but what critical roles do they play? These silent partners to the legal team provide a plethora of roles and responsibilities, the most of which is to ensure that the legal department runs...
In corporate law departments, legal operations strategy requires advanced preparation, attention and critical thinking to showcase value to the enterprise. In fact, when legal operations professionals are in sync with legal operations strategy, the law department...
In legal ops, managers look for simple legal billing software to pave the way to efficiency and cost-saving strategies in the legal department. E-billing software has been around for decades in many permutations. As the years come and go, technology vendors have...
In-house legal and law operations teams continuously face challenges due to various factors. Each team manages daily issues and must also be prepared for the singular issue that draws all hands on deck. Lawyers want to practice law without concern for law operations...
Law operations, legal operations, law department, legal department, in-house counsel, outside counsel, and many other things go hand-in-hand in the practice of law and the delivery of legal services between corporate legal departments and law firms. Legal Operations...
Year-end planning with an eye on cost-cutting strategies for legal departments requires a look at historical data and a look ahead to forecast costs, anticipated matters, talent acquisition, technology procurement, and more. One obvious place to explore cost...
In the in-house corporate legal department, two sides comprise the whole: legal services with in-house lawyers and the legal operations team. The latter is the business side of processes and technology that help streamline collaboration and workflow. While legal...
In a recent blog post , we discussed what is legal intake in the corporate law department. In today’s article, we look more closely at the benefits of legal intake for the legal team and legal operations professionals. Legal teams, generally, manage a variety...
The office is often worse than home with paper (yes, there’s still paper) files collecting dust in the corner, digital files spread among remote storage, digital folders, portable hard drives, and the cloud. Add overflowing email in-boxes, folders and bookmarks...