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Court Blocks Parole + ATD Policy: Florida v. USA

March 08, 2023 (1 min read)

Florida v. USA

"After due notice, the Court held a bench trial in this case on January 9-12, 2023. Based on the testimony and evidence presented at the trial, the parties’ oral arguments and post-trial filings (Docs. 155, 156), and the supplemental administrative record for the Parole Plus Alternative to Detention (Parole+ATD) policy (Doc. 87-1), the Court makes the following findings of fact and conclusions of law in accordance with Fed. R. Civ. P. 52(a). ... The Parole+ATD Policy is VACATED under the APA, and that policy is REMANDED to DHS for further proceedings consistent with this Opinion and Order.  ... The Judgment is STAYED for 7 days from this date to allow Defendants to seek appellate review."