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Denver DA Immigration Consequences Policy (April 2019)

April 25, 2019 (1 min read)

Beth McCann, Denver District Attorney, Apr. 23, 2019

"... Unless ... immigration effects are taken into consideration by deputy district attorneys in appropriate circumstances, some defendants will be exposed to direct consequences that were not intended by the prosecutor in light of the facts and significance of the criminal offense and the background and history of the defendant. Consideration of the impact of consequences, particularly in the context of immigration consequences, is consistent with the duty of all prosecutors to pursue justice by prosecuting the guilty, protecting the innocent, and ensuring that the punishment fits the crime. ... Accordingly, it is the policy of the Denver District Attorney’s Office that chief deputy district attorneys and deputy district attorneys consider the immigration and other consequences to a defendant in recommending dispositions, to the extent they are aware of such, and, if appropriate, take reasonable steps to mitigate these consequences."
