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KIND Pro Bono Attorney of the Month: Stacey Hsiang Chun Wang

February 14, 2013 (1 min read)

"Los Angeles-based Holland & Knight litigation associate Stacey Hsiang Chun Wang is a KIND pro bono attorney and human rights advocate.  Through her pro bono work, she has specialized primarily in handling cases involving human trafficking victims from China.  Utilizing her language skills to help translate their stories and needs to immigration courts, Stacey has helped secure U.S. protection for many of these vulnerable young clients.  Stacey also manages attorney participation in KIND cases at Holland & Knight's Los Angeles office, encouraging her colleagues to donate their time and serving as an experienced advisor to those who do.  Stacey took her first KIND case as a second-year associate with little exposure to immigration cases.  After attending a KIND training at the firm and speaking with the KIND coordinators in her office, Stacey was asked to assist on an urgent immigration case involving a Chinese-speaking youth who would soon turn 18 years old.  From that point forward, she has remained actively involved with KIND and has taken five cases." - KIND, Jan. 2013.

