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Unpub. BIA Asylum Victory; Egypt, Persecution, 'Unreasonable Expectations'

April 05, 2012 (1 min read)

David L. Cleveland writes: "An asylum applicant from Egypt suffered real harm, including an assault by an unidentified man that left her unconscious, but was denied by the IJ for failing to show the motive of her attacker. The BIA said that the IJ "may have imposed an unreasonable expectation for [applicant] to establish the exact basis for her underlying abuse."  The BIA also said, "As suggested by the respondent on appeal, a persecutor may have several motives for harming a victim and proving the exact reason for the past or feared persecution may be impossible in some cases." - Matter of X-, Mar. 30, 2012, unpub.

David L. Cleveland
Catholic Charities of Washington
924 G Street NW #225
Washington, DC 20001
[202] 772-4345  fax: [202] 386-7032