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As Asylum Seekers Swap Prison Beds For Ankle Bracelets, GEO Group Profits

November 13, 2015 (1 min read)

NPR, Nov. 13, 2015 - "Last year, GEO Care earned $330 million — about a fifth of the corporation's $1.7 billion in revenue. This year, the government will pay GEO $56 million to manage ankle monitors for 10,000 immigrants, and to run telephone check-ins for 20,000 immigrants. The idea is to keep track of released detainees to make sure they show up for ICE check-ins and court appearances.  And there's more: In September, ICE selected GEO Care to administer a first-of-its-kind pilot project, worth $11 million, to do case management for released immigrants.  For watchdog groups, all this raises the question of whether there is a conflict of interest for a prison company that now provides social services."