Elliot Spagat, Associated Press, Feb. 15, 2025 "The Trump administration fired 20 immigration judges without explanation, a union official said Saturday amid sweeping moves to shrink the size of...
Connor Mycroft, SCMP, Feb. 16, 2025 "Some Hongkongers in the United States are at risk of deportation if President Donald Trump scraps the special protection extended to them by previous American...
Torri Lonergan, Media Matters, Feb. 14, 2025 "When President Donald Trump announced his intention to end birthright citizenship, right-wing media figures immediately began spreading misinformation...
The Guardian, Feb. 13, 2025 "The Denver public school system (DPS) on Wednesday became the first US school district to sue the Trump administration over its policy of allowing Immigration and Customs...
Swapna Venugopal Ramaswamy, USA TODAY, Feb. 13, 2025 Stephen Yale-Loehr , an immigration law attorney and a retired Cornell Law School professor, said while Modi can ask Trump to increase the number...
From the Center for Migration Studies - "In a comment submitted to the federal government on the proposed rule regarding public charge determinations, the Center for Migration Studies of New York (CMS) argued that the rule was overly broad and would significantly harm working-class persons and their families, who are contributing to the US economy and living at a level of self-sufficiency.
CMS focused its comments around its recent report entitled “Proposed Public Charge Rule Would Significantly Reduce Legal Admissions and Adjustment to Lawful Permanent Resident Status of Working Class Persons.” This report estimates that 2.25 million persons live with a US citizen or lawful permanent resident (LPR) family member who could petition for them. Among others, this population would be directly impacted by the rule. The report further concluded that 5.32 million household members of the 2.25 million would be indirectly impacted by the rule."
From Boundless Immigration - "Boundless Immigration, a technology company empowering immigrants to more confidently and affordably navigate the U.S. immigration system, today filed an 83-page public comment opposing the “public charge” rule proposed by the U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS). Should the public charge rule go into effect, legal immigrants could be denied a temporary visa or a green card if they earn less than a comfortable middle-class salary, suffer from a medical condition, or have financial liabilities, among many other unprecedented disqualifying factors.
Boundless Immigration’s unique analysis demonstrates how the proposed regulation is not only bad policy, substantively unlawful, and procedurally defective, but it also betrays bedrock American principles. The full public comment can be found here:https://www.boundless.com/boundless-public-charge-comment
Key findings in the Boundless public comment include:
“As a matter of basic math, the public charge rule means massive red tape that would sink any reasonable cost-benefit analysis,” said Doug Rand, President and Co-Founder of Boundless Immigration. “As a matter of law, this policy violates a number of Congressional statutes intended to prevent executive overreach. And as a matter of principle, never in our country’s history have we required that someone be comfortably middle-class to come live and work in America.”
“Thank goodness we didn’t have this policy in place when future business icons like Andrew Carnegie and Sergey Brin came to this country with nothing,” added Xiao Wang, CEO and Co-Founder of Boundless, who came to America himself at age 3 after China’s Cultural Revolution. “This backdoor wealth test goes against what makes America great.”"