"A benchmark immigration reform would raise the pace of economic growth by nearly a percentage point over the near term, raise GDP per capita by over $1,500 and reduce the cumulative federal deficit by over $2.5 trillion." - AAF, Apr. 9, 2013 .
" Attention Congress: A partial solution to improving the economy may actually be buried within another political battle all together. Granting undocumented immigrants immediate citizenship would add $1.4 trillion to economic growth, increase tax revenues...
"Giovanni Peri, an Italian-born economist at UC Davis, is quickly becoming one of the most important voices in America's immigration debate. Featured in the Wall Street Journal last week and cited often by the New York Times and others, Peri's work...
1. It’s really good for immigrants 2. It’s very good for the economy as a whole 3. It increases innovation 4. The typical native-born worker probably benefits 5. Low-skilled native workers probably don’t see any effect - Dylan Matthews, Jan. 25...
"The forlorn pundit doesn’t even have to make the humanitarian case that immigration reform would be a great victory for human dignity. The cold economic case by itself is so strong. Increased immigration would boost the U.S. economy. ... immigration reform...
"Throughout the country, foreign-born newcomers have revived beaten-down neighborhoods as immigrant entrepreneurs have opened small businesses and immigrant families have put down stakes. Immigrant workers have played a vital role keeping a number of industries...
"It makes sense to view immigration reform as a human rights issue, and one that should be seen through the lens of this country’s principles and values. But it is wrong to see it as only that. Because this is not just a political matter or a humanitarian...
"Each November, NAFSA issues a report – including detailed state-by-state analysis – on the economic benefits of spending by international students and their dependents to the U.S. economy. The latest analysis shows that, during the 2011-2012 academic year...
"Beyond imparting political and social rights, naturalization appears to confer economic gains for immigrants in the United States, with a wage premium of at least 5 percent, according to a new Migration Policy Institute study (MPI) released today." ...
Some worry that giving work permits to thousands of DREAMers will make a depressed job market even worse. Wrong. Here's why : The President’s deferred action initiative: gives beneficiaries the opportunity to increase their standard of living—and...
" Beardstown lost population from 1980 to 2000, from 7,232 to 5,766, according to the U.S. Census Bureau. But it grew from 2000 to 2010, back up to 6,123. Blacks increased from 52 to 360, while the number of Latinos grew from 1,032 to 1,994. The number of...
"It is no longer acceptable to discriminate against people on the basis of a whole range of characteristics that they happen to be born with, notably their gender, their race and their sexuality. So why is it still deemed acceptable to discriminate against...
"Opponents of Alabama's stringent immigration law said their next phase of attack will include a new legal challenge and a "public education" campaign targeting the state's tourism and auto industries. Wade Henderson, CEO of the Leadership...
"With immigration on the minds of many voters in the run-up to this November’s presidential election, the U.S.-based financial services company Standard & Poor’s released Thursday some surprising information. The widely-held notion that immigrants...
"As this article will show, an assertive President Obama, with his eyes transfixed on the reelection prize, can do much more to improve our immigration regulations and agency practices, which the President oversees through the Departments of Homeland...