AIC, July 6, 2023 "Immigration attorneys representing immigrants in removal proceedings frequently report that immigration courts move up the date of their clients’ individual hearings with limited to no notice about the rescheduling and without any...
Andrew Free writes: "Judge Anita Brody of the US District Court for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania issued an order denying CBP’s motion for summary judgment on search adequacy, and granting in part Plaintiff Karen Hoffmann’s motion for summary...
AIC, June 20, 2023 " This Practice Advisory provides immigration practitioners with step-by-step instructions a bout how to file a laws uit under the Freedom of Information Act. The Advisory explains the preliminary steps that need to be completed before...
Training and Guidance Documents Related to Afghan Refugee, Asylum, SIV and Parole Processing - "Through the Freedom of Information Act and other litigation, IRAP has obtained thousands of pages of training and guidance documents from the Department of State...
AIC, Mar. 16, 2023 "Today, the American Immigration Council (The Council) and International Refugee Assistance Project (IRAP) released government records documenting the extensive delays experienced by thousands of Afghans who filed for humanitarian parole...
ACLU of Maine, Apr. 17, 2023 "A federal judge last week ordered United States Immigration and Customs Enforcement to conduct a new search of the agency’s records and to release items related to their detention practices in Maine and a proposed facility in...
AIC - " U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) published the agency’s Bond Management Handbook , a manual that provides instruction to agency staff about bond payment procedures, in its electronic library as a result of a lawsuit filed by the Council...
NYLAG, Jan. 30, 2023 "... Under the settlement approved in February 2022, the Board is required to place nearly all its opinions into an online reading room, accessible to all in perpetuity, ensuring that immigration advocates will have access to these...
ACLU Immigrants' Rights Project v. ICE "In this action under the Freedom of Information Act (“FOIA”), plaintiff appeals an award of summary judgment in the United States District Court for the Southern District of New York (George B. Daniels, Judge)...
Trina Realmuto, Mary Kenney, Emily Creighton, Matt Adams, and Stacy Tolchin, Dec. 16, 2022 "... This practice advisory explains the ways to submit a FOIA request for a client’s A-File, provides suggestions for avoiding agency rejections of the requests,...
In August 2018, immigration attorney and FOIA superstar Matthew Hoppock filed a FOIA request regarding Matter of E-F-H-L- . Over four years (!) later, EOIR responded, providing an interesting series of emails and a memo from Gene Hamilton. It's all here ...
IRAP, Aug. 2022 "Through the Freedom of Information Act, IRAP has obtained an extensive collection of documents related to the U.S. Refugee Admissions Program . Together, these documents shine a light on the generally opaque U.S. refugee processing system...
David J. Bier, July 14, 2022 "A new lawsuit by the Cato Institute could answer the question of whether the Supreme Court was wrong to accept assertions from former President Trump that his 2017 travel ban was based on security concerns, not animus against...
NYLAG, Feb. 10, 2022 "A federal district court in New York on Wednesday evening ordered the U.S. Board of Immigration Appeals to establish an online library of its unpublished opinions – the result of a settlement between the New York Legal Assistance...
Oct. 15, 2021 - FOIA Sensei Matthew Hoppock blows the lid off this story. How will EOIR respond? Will litigation ensue? Will the MSM dig deeper? Please read the whole thing, and stay tuned! EOIR Headquarters Using Rubber Signature Stamps to Make Orders Appear...