Marco Guzman, The Hill, Dec. 24, 2024 "Much like their neighbors, undocumented immigrants pay sales and excise taxes on goods and services such as groceries, gas and utilities. They pay property tax regardless of whether they own a home or rent (since landlords...
ARIEL G. RUIZ SOTO, MPI, OCTOBER 2024 "Immigrants in the United States commit crimes at lower rates than the U.S.-born population, notwithstanding the assertion by critics that immigration is linked to higher rates of criminal activity. This reality of reduced...
Stuart Anderson, Forbes, Oct. 15, 2024 "Three immigrants to America have won the 2024 Nobel Prize in economics, illustrating continued contributions by immigrants to the United States. The three immigrants—one from Turkey and two from the United Kingdom—are...
Jeanne Batalova, MPI, Oct. 2024 "With immigration a central focus in the public and policy conversations in the United States, it is important to have a solid understanding of the immigrant population. This explainer offers statistics on the immigrant population’s...
NIJ, Sept. 12, 2024 "[U]ndocumented immigrants are arrested at less than half the rate of native-born U.S. citizens for violent and drug crimes and a quarter the rate of native-born citizens for property crimes."
Valerie Lacarte, Ph.D., Aug. 2024 "The charge that immigrants are taking jobs from U.S.-born Black workers has made its way from conspiracy circles to the broader public conversation this election season. Several economists have refuted this : they say that...
LAW-ABIDING IMMIGRANTS: THE INCARCERATION GAP BETWEEN IMMIGRANTS AND THE US-BORN, 1870–2020 "We provide the first nationally representative long-run series (1870–2020) of incarceration rates for immigrants and the US-born. As a group, immigrants...
Alex Daniels, Chronicle of Philanthropy, Aug. 8, 2024 "The Path2Papers , a nonprofit project at Cornell University Law School, in April received $1.5 million from the Crankstart Foundation to offer free consultations to DACA recipients in the San Francisco...
Beau Dure, The Guardian, Aug. 5, 2024 "A judo world championship bronze medalist from Cuba who got back into the sport after moving to America. The son of a pioneer in the new Olympic sport of breaking who came to the US after an arduous journey through...
Muzaffar Chishti and Colleen Putzel-Kavanaugh, MPI, Aug. 1, 2024 "This article reviews how interior cities have adapted to the rise in migrant arrivals and examines the challenges they continue to face."
UCI School of Social Sciences, May 7, 2024 "In their newly released edition of Immigrant America: A Portrait (University of California Press), UCI Distinguished Professor of sociology Rubén G. Rumbaut and Alejandro Portes of both Princeton University...
Biden proclaims June 2024 as National Immigrant Heritage Month
Prof. Stephen W. Yale-Loehr, May 17, 2024 "New York has over 470,000 open jobs across all sectors. The health care industry is still reeling from the pandemic, when 20% of all health care workers left the field. The number of jobs available in that field...
Jeanne Batalova, Julia Gelatt and Michael Fix, MPI, April 2024 "The U.S. economy has changed dramatically in recent decades, from one that was heavily industrial to one that is mostly service and knowledge based. In the process, demand has grown for workers...
Just Futures Law , Mar. 22, 2024 email: "Yesterday, in an important victory for the immigrant community, a federal court greenlighted a lawsuit brought by Just Futures Law and Edelson PC against Western Union for its alleged involvement in a dragnet surveillance...