Transcript of Nov. 12, 2024 oral argument here . Link to briefs here . Link to case preview here .
VELAZQUEZ V. GARLAND DECISION BELOW: 88 F.4th 1301 (CA10) CERT. GRANTED 7/2/2024 QUESTION PRESENTED: Federal immigration law allows the government to grant a "voluntary departure" period of up to 60 days to a noncitizen "of good moral character"...
Christie Thompson, Andrew R. Calderon, The Marshall Project, May 8, 2019 "The number of immigrants who have applied for voluntary departure has soared since the election of Donald Trump, according to new Justice Department data obtained by The Marshall...
ACLU, June 4, 2013 : "Using misinformation, deception, and coercion, Border Patrol and ICE officers have pressured hundreds, if not thousands, of Mexican nationals with deep roots here in the United States into forfeiting their right to a fair hearing and...
Matter of M-F-O-, 28 I&N Dec. 408 (BIA 2021) - A notice to appear that does not specify the time or place of a respondent’s initial removal hearing does not end the accrual of physical presence for purposes of voluntary departure at the conclusion of removal...
Posos-Sanchez v. Garland "Noncitizens factually admitted to the United States at a U.S. port of entry while they hold temporary resident status under § 1255a(a) do not magically become unadmitted once their temporary resident status ends. ... That leaves...
Zamorano v. Garland "Victor Luis Angeles Zamorano, a native and citizen of Mexico, seeks review of a decision by the Board of Immigration Appeals (BIA) dismissing his appeal from a decision of the immigration judge (IJ) that denied his application for voluntary...
Matter of Viera-Garcia and Ordonez-Viera, 28 I&N Dec. 223 (BIA 2021) Headnote: Where a notice to appear fails to specify the time or place of a respondent’s initial removal hearing, the subsequent service of a notice of hearing specifying this information...
Flores-Panameno v. US Atty. Gen. "Elida Antonia Flores-Panameno petitions for review of the Board of Immigration Appeals’s (“BIA”) dismissal of her appeal. In short, Flores-Panameno asserts she received ineffective assistance of counsel because her former...
Prof. Geoffrey A. Hoffman, Aug. 27, 2018 - "Section 240B of the Immigration and Nationality Act (INA) provides for the right of respondents in removal proceedings to seek voluntary departure “at the conclusion” of removal proceedings. This is called post...
USCIS Policy Memo PM-602-0133 (May 13, 2016) - "This policy memorandum (PM) designates the attached decision of the Administrative Appeals Office (AAO) in Matter of L-S-M- as an Adopted Decision. Accordingly, this adopted decision establishes policy guidance...
"The failure to tell an immigrant who was in the country illegally about his right to seek voluntary departure from the United States has led a federal judge to dismiss a charge of illegal re-entry. Southern District Judge Jesse Furman ruled that it was "fundamentally...
"In National Cable & Telecommunications Ass’n v. Brand X Internet Services, the Supreme Court instructed federal courts to defer to reasonable agency interpretations of ambiguous statutes, even when those interpretations conflict with the prior holding...
"[W]e hold that, where the last day of a period of voluntary departure falls on a day on which an immigrant cannot file a motion for affirmative relief with the BIA, that day does not count in the voluntary departure period if, as here, the immigrant files...