NY v. Dept. of Commerce "[T]he Court concludes on the merits that Secretary Ross violated the APA in multiple independent ways. Most blatantly, Secretary Ross ignored, and violated, a statute that requires him, in circumstances like those here, to collect...
Muzaffar Chishti and Jessica Bolter, MPI, Oct. 24, 2018 - "As the timeline for launching the 2020 decennial census approaches fast, legal and political controversy surrounds the Trump administration’s inclusion of a question on citizenship status. The question...
Prof. Stephen W. Yale-Loehr is professor of immigration law practice at Cornell Law School. He also is co-author of “ Immigration Law and Procedure ,” a 21-volume immigration law treatise, published by LexisNexis. - An executive order cannot repeal birthright citizenship...
In the wake of President Trump's statement that he believes he can end 14th amendment birthright citizenship via Executive Order, citizenship expert attorney Kathrin S. Mautino wrote this letter to the President. [Note also this 2006 article on point written...
Kevin Seiff, Washington Post, Aug. 29, 2018 - "The Trump administration is accusing hundreds, and possibly thousands, of Hispanics along the border of using fraudulent birth certificates since they were babies, and it is undertaking a widespread crackdown...
Everton Bailey Jr., Oregonian, Sept. 21, 2017 - "Two Oregon lawmakers are calling for a federal investigation into the conduct of immigration agents who mistakenly approached a Latino man, demanded his name without identifying themselves and claimed he was...
Peggy McCarthy, New Haven Register, July 24, 2017 - "Arnold Giammarco, the Army and National Guard veteran deported to Italy nearly five years ago, is back home in Connecticut with his wife and daughter. ... Giammarco landed at JFK Airport on July 16,...
Paloma Esquivel and James Queally, Los Angeles Times, May 26, 2017 - "[A]s she tried to leave the West Valley Detention Center in Rancho Cucamonga, Plascencia said she was met by immigration enforcement agents, handcuffed and placed in the back of a van. Plascencia...
Human Rights Watch, May 15, 2017 - "New data analysis reveals that more than 10,000 parents of US citizen children are most likely detained every year in California by immigration authorities, Human Rights Watch said today. In light of new Trump administration...
Stephen Magagnini, Sacramento Bee, May 14, 2017 - "Many of Helaman Hansen’s hundreds of victims first heard about his citizenship-through-adoption scheme in their neighborhood churches. The 64-year-old Elk Grove businessman or his surrogates would show...
Sean Cockerham, McClatchyDC, Feb. 28, 2017 - "As President Donald Trump prepares to address Congress on Tuesday for the first time, a new McClatchy-Marist Poll finds that even 72 percent of Trump’s own supporters want a path to citizenship for immigrants who...
New York Times, Feb. 8, 2017 - "Boris Johnson, Britain’s colorful and blustery foreign secretary, who is perhaps best known for his leading role in campaigning for his country’s departure from the European Union, has given up his American citizenship, a United...
DOJ, Sept. 7, 2016 - "The Justice Department reached an agreement today with Cumberland Staffing Inc., doing business as AtWork Cumberland Staffing (ACS), to resolve the department’s investigation into whether the company discriminated against work-authorized...
DOJ, June 20, 2016 - "The Justice Department announced today that it has reached agreements with 121 podiatry residency programs and the American Association of Colleges of Podiatric Medicine (AACPM) to resolve claims that they discriminated against work-authorized...
Kathryn Schulz, The New Yorker, June 6&13, 2016 issue - " By the time Zarif Khan applied to become a United States citizen for the second time, he had been living in Wyoming for nearly half a century. He was in his late sixties. On the naturalization petition...