EOIR is posting this ad for "many vacancies" in unspecified locations. Open & closing dates: 08/30/2024 to 09/13/2024 Salary: $156,924 - $204,000 per year
Mouns v. Garland "The petitioner in this immigration matter, Hussein Ahmed Mouns, seeks our review of the decision of the Board of Immigration Appeals (the “BIA”) denying reconsideration of its earlier denial of Mouns’s motion to reopen...
Matter of D. Rodriguez, 28 I&N Dec. 815 (BIA 2024) (1) A conviction for an attempt to commit a crime may constitute a crime of child abuse, child neglect, or child abandonment under section 237(a)(2)(E)(i) of the Immigration and Nationality Act, 8 U.S.C....
W. John Yahya Vandenberg writes: "We just got this remand decision for a detained case in Houston (IJ McPhail), and thought it might be of interest to your readers. The Board clearly was not happy with the manner in which the judge conducted the hearing, and...
Bent v. Garland (2-1) "This is a rare case: both the government and Petitioner Claude Bent seek remand so that the Board of Immigration Appeals (“BIA”) can reassess its decision denying Bent’s motion to reopen removal proceedings. Bent...
Jorge Loweree, Aug. 14, 2024 (free link) "[T]he reality that is all too clear to immigrants navigating our byzantine system, and the lawyers and advocates who try to help them, is that there is no line to get into for a vast majority of people who wish to...
AIJustice.org "Americans for Immigrant Justice (AI Justice – formerly FIAC), a not-for-profit law firm founded in 1996 to protect and promote the basic human rights of immigrants, has a multicultural and a multilingual staff. AI Justice has represented...
Cornell Law "Cornell Law School is seeking to hire a staff attorney to collaborate with and contribute to Path2Papers , a new deferred action for childhood arrivals (DACA) project at Cornell Law School. The selected candidate will consult with DACA beneficiaries...
Posting may be spotty until Aug. 14th. (But if big news breaks, call or text me.) Meanwhile, enjoy your Moment of Zen . (Bear Creek Falls, Telluride, Colorado)
Elvia Malagón, Chicago Sun Times, July 26, 2024 "Immigration is a hot-button issue for Democrats. Some want the federal government to provide funding for cities like Chicago and New York City to help immigrants. Others disagree. “I think there...
If so, you need Rod Wada's articles on Shaping The Future of PERM: BALCA Highlights. Ron writes: "This series of articles summarizes notable decisions of the Board of Alien Labor Certification Appeals (BALCA) issued during the first two quarters of 2024...
Pace University, July 19, 2024 "Professor Merton began her legal education career at New York University School of Law, and was a founding faculty member of CUNY Law School, and a Mellon and National Endowment for the Humanities Fellow. She joined Haub...
June 18, 2024 memo from Chief IJ Sheila McNulty July 1, 2024 memo from CAIJ David H. Wetmore
DOL, July 2, 2024 "The Employment and Training Administration published an FRN on June 24, 2024 updating the AEWRs under the H-2A temporary agricultural employment program that apply to a limited set of H-2A job opportunities for which the AEWR is determined...
Cyrus D. Mehta and Kaitlyn Box, July 1, 2024 "The conservative majority Supreme Court recently issued two decisions that will have a major impact on the administrative state by transferring power from administrative agencies to the courts. We discuss both...