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Lexis Nexis Offers Support to Ukrainian People during Invasion by Russia

July 06, 2022 (2 min read)

LexisNexis Legal & Professional (LNLP) CEO Mike Walsh recently announced several efforts undertaken by LNLP and the LexisNexis Rule of Law Foundation to support the people of Ukraine in their struggle against invasion by Russia. 

ON THE FINANCIAL FRONT, WALSH SAID THAT LNLP has joined other divisions of Reed Elsevier in “supporting aid organizations working across Ukraine to scale up life-saving programs, including trucking safe water to conflict-affected areas, providing health and emergency education supplies
as close as possible to communities near the line of contact, providing psychosocial care, and working with municipalities to ensure there is immediate help for children and families in need.”

In addition, Walsh said, a number of the company’s products, solutions, and projects developed and supported by the LexisNexis Rule of Law Foundation “are focused on helping citizens and strengthening legal infrastructures in the Ukraine and around the world.”

  • The LexisNexis Rule of Law Monitor continuously tracks public sentiment on the rule of law in 170 countries to create greater worldwide transparency and raise real-time awareness of rule of law issues. The Monitor has found that 67% of the world population disapproves of the Russian invasion of Ukraine.
  • The free eyeWitness to Atrocities App, developed by LexisNexis in partnership with the International Bar Association, allows Ukrainian citizens to document evidence of war crimes using their smartphones.
  • The Human RightsApp, developed by LexisNexis and the Australian Human Rights Commission, provides free access to all international human rights law via smartphone.
  • Materials used by the Ukraine Advice Project UK, which provides free UK immigration and asylum advice for Ukrainians and their families, are being reviewed for currency and accuracy by Lexis personnel.
  • LexisNexis and the LexisNexis Rule of Law Foundation have joined with the International Bar Association, the American Bar Association, and the Union Internationale de Avocats to condemn Russia’s attack on Ukraine.

LNLP has also committed to providing up-the-the-minute information and practical guidance on legal topics and developments related to the conflict. Law360 is providing free access to War in Ukraine, a compilation of daily news items related to all aspects of the conflict, while Lexis Practical Guidance includes the Ukraine Invasion Resource Kit, covering legal issues emerging from the war.

“We will continue to do everything possible to support our colleagues, the people of Ukraine, and our customers, and our hearts are with all of those impacted by this humanitarian crisis,” Walsh said.

LexisNexis supports the rule of law around the world by:

  • Providing products and services that enable customers to excel in the practice and business of law and help justice systems, governments, and businesses to function more effectively, efficiently, and transparently
  • Documenting local, national, and international laws and making them accessible in print and online to individuals and professionals in the public and private sectors
  • Partnering with governments and non-profit organizations to help make justice systems more efficient and transparent and
  • Supporting corporate citizenship initiatives that strengthen civil society and the rule of law across the globe.

Additional information about LexisNexis’ activities in support of the rule of law is available at