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LexisNexis Receives UN Foundation Global Leadership Award

January 15, 2020 (1 min read)

The United Nations Foundation’s Global Leadership Award was presented to LexisNexis Legal & Professional CEO Mike Walsh in recognition of the company’s contributions to advancing the rule of law across the globe.

THE AWARD RECOGNIZES LEXISNEXIS’ “EXTRAORDINARY commitment to advancing the rule of law globally by strengthening equality under the law, transparency of law, independent judiciaries, and accessible legal remedy.”

“I’m honored and humbled to receive this award from the United Nations Foundation and accept on behalf of the dedicated people of LexisNexis,” Walsh said. “Our mission to advance the rule of law makes LexisNexis a special company and place to work because our people can see the clear connection between advancing the rule of law and creating a better society.” Prior winners of the award include Desmond Tutu and former President Barack Obama.

Walsh was honored at the Foundation’s annual Global Leadership Dinner in New York City on November 20. Other honorees were Mary Robinson, former president of the Republic of Ireland and UN High Commissioner for Human Rights; author and feminist activist Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie; and Dr. Gunhild Stordalen, chair of the Stordalen Foundation and founder of EAT Foundation.

In a statement announcing the awards, the Foundation said, “From transforming the global food system to defending human rights to using literature to connect with individuals on issues of equality, the honorees continue to make invaluable contributions to our world. Their work brings to life the goals enshrined in the UN Charter—to promote peace, justice, and fundamental human rights for all people.”

Founded in 1998 by entrepreneur and philanthropist Ted Turner, the UN Foundation works with philanthropic, corporate, government, and individual partners “to help the United Nations mobilize the ideas, people, and resources it needs to drive global progress and tackle urgent challenges.” Additional information about the Foundation is available at

LexisNexis has advanced the rule of law through its core operations and by mobilizing the business community to engage in the rule of law with projects such as the United Nations Global Compact’s Business for the Rule of Law Framework. The company also partnered with the International Bar Association in developing the eyeWitness to Atrocities app, which allows witnesses to verify atrocities and report them to the appropriate agencies. In support of its rule of law activities, LexisNexis established LexisNexis Rule of Law Foundation in 2019.