Q&A with David W. Morse , Banking & Finance Chair at Otterbourg P.C. What led you to choose commercial finance and institutional lending as your area of practice? Serendipity is the word that comes to mind. While I knew that I preferred to do transactional...
Q&A with Keir Gumbs , Covington & Burling LLP As Special Counsel in the SEC’s Division of Corporation Finance, what were some of your major responsibilities? I was a special counsel in the Office of Chief Counsel within the Division of Corporation...
Q&A with: Neil J. Wertlieb , Milbank, Tweed, Hadley & McCloy LLP Please tell us about your current practice and the types of transactions you typically handle. My practice at Milbank focuses on corporate transactions, primarily acquisitions, finance...
By: Meredith Senter and Erin E. Kim , Lerman Senter PLLC This expert interview provides an overview of current market trends in the media industry and outlines the important aspects of this segment that make mergers and acquisitions in the industry unique. ...
By: Keir Gumbs , Covington & Burling LLP PARTNER AT COVINGTON & BURLING LLP Keir Gumbs, vice chair of the Securities & Capital Markets Group and partner in the Washington, D.C. office of Covington & Burling LLP, regularly provides insights about...
Q&A with Michael Labriola , Michael Nordtvedt , and Megan Baier , Partners at Wilson Sonsini Goodrich & Rosati LLP. What is an Emerging Growth Company (EGC)? Under the Jumpstart Our Business Startups Act (the JOBS Act) (112 P.L. 106, 126 Stat. 306)...
Q&A with Po Yi , Partner at Venable LLP. Please provide some general background on the types of transactional work you do currently. I counsel and work with clients on the front end of their marketing activities. My practice focuses on business transactions...